View Full Version : Horrible headaches. Panic attack

08-19-2013, 01:57 PM
Not feeling so well. I went home for my lunch break, and all the sudden had the worst headache ever. It actually hurts to look at my right eye. I keep feeling nauseous now and like I'm going to pass out.

Then I freak out and my heart rate jumps. I'm panicking now and don't know what's real and what's fake.

08-19-2013, 03:24 PM
Do you get migraines??

08-19-2013, 03:49 PM
Do you get migraines??

Not normally.

08-19-2013, 04:02 PM
Changes in climate, stress, diet and many other things can cause horrible headaches. I have been suffering from migraines since I was five.

08-19-2013, 09:45 PM
Ugh this panic feeling is not going away. It's making me very worried. I haven't felt like this is months, since I first realized it was anxiety. My face is numb, body is shaking, feeling out of body, just not feeling well at all.

Not sure what to do.

08-19-2013, 10:54 PM
My fiancé basically just told me to get over it. I don't know about anyone else, but that's the one thing that pushes me over my limit every time. Don't you think if I could do that, that I would in a heartbeat? It would be awesome to get over anxiety, or to ignore when I feel like I'm dying.

But I don't even tell him a quarter of the times I feel bad. I ignore right side chest pain, most numb feelings, upset stomachs, blurry vision, etc. I never mention those to him. I only tell him about the big stuff...like tonight and feeling like I'm dying for the last 9 hours. Usually panic attacks don't last longer than an hour for me, so I think I'm rightfully worried by how bad I feel.

08-20-2013, 12:01 AM
I understand how much it can be fustrating when others don't know how it feels to not be in control ...I think a lot of us here add wood to the fire as well. I had an attack today I was freaked but I just made myself focus only on the truth. I have anxiety I'm going to be ok this isn't going to last I'll be okay. ....now I'm fine ..like it never happened ....like 4 hours ago my blood pressure was 209/174 ...I didn't die I know I have anxiety I'm working on it and I'll be fine.....* I hope you feel better....its easier said than done but we need to stop looking for the symptoms and start defining them as panic not problems .....hope it helps u a little

08-20-2013, 12:17 AM
Hi I have panic attacks too but 9hours .... I would go to the ER and ask for a workup, medication something... My 2cents

08-20-2013, 06:28 PM
I understand how much it can be fustrating when others don't know how it feels to not be in control ...I think a lot of us here add wood to the fire as well. I had an attack today I was freaked but I just made myself focus only on the truth. I have anxiety I'm going to be ok this isn't going to last I'll be okay. ....now I'm fine ..like it never happened ....like 4 hours ago my blood pressure was 209/174 ...I didn't die I know I have anxiety I'm working on it and I'll be fine.....* I hope you feel better....its easier said than done but we need to stop looking for the symptoms and start defining them as panic not problems .....hope it helps u a little

Thanks. I try to do that, ignore things. But things just won't stop. Glad you are feeling better. I was fine all day, no problems. But now I'm having the head pressure, tingly feelings again and i don't know why. It seems to be getting more intense than normal.

08-21-2013, 01:20 PM
Have you taken anything? Sounds like a nasty migraine!