View Full Version : Its creeping back...help

08-19-2013, 08:08 AM
I'm now 20 weeks pregnant. Woohoo! However, my IST (high heart rate) is getting worse. My first trimester it was fantastic. Hr was practically normal the entire time. Then I hit the second trimester and it's been getting worse and worse. I toss and turn all night because I can't get comfortable. I'm a stomach sleeper, and since I can't sleep that way anymore, I just toss. I wake up with shoulders and back tensed up. And my hr is high most of the day. Usually in the 90's. After I eat it's over 100, and when I'm standing it's around 130. When it's tachy all day, it makes me hot and want to panic. I try and keep myself calm, but all I do I check to see if its lowered. If it hasn't ( and it usually doesn't) I start to freak out a little bit. I start worrying that I'm going to deliver the baby prematurely. And that I'm putting so much strain on my body and heart, that the IST is going to get worse after I deliver and I won't even be able to function. I wake up every morning with my heart racing. I think some of it is psychosomatic. I think it's going to happen therefore it is. Right now I'm laying down and it's racing. It used to be that I could lay down or sit to get my hr to lower. Now I'm worried because I don't have any go to ways to stop it. Last time this sort of thing happened, I miscarried. Ugh... My cardiologist said I'm fine, but I don't feel fine.

08-19-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi I am pregnant as well and can relate to you I'm 14 weeks now and my anxiety is getting worse an my palps and my heart is always racing. My doctor said when your pregnant your heart races more because its supplying blood for the baby as well and your heart beats so many beats more then a normal person. I also miscarried back in jan time this year due to super bad anxiety attacks. I'm worry all the time this is going to end in a miscarriage or prem labour so I totally know how you feel! X

08-19-2013, 12:39 PM
May I ask, do you meditate a lot? Committing to it and focusing on your breathing can change your hr a lot. Also, I am guessing you are overly focused on your hr. This may be putting you in an anxious state in which you are provoking your hr to increase. I hope you feel better soon.

08-19-2013, 02:37 PM
Thanks, but I have a heart condition called IST. I can't control my hr no matter what I try. I'm almost constantly tachy. Somedays I can feel it pounding and it's extremely annoying. I lose breath a lot, and just feel like standing up is such a chore. I'll get through it, and my ob and cardio are monitoring it. Just doesn't feel pleasant and sometimes makes me want to panic!

08-19-2013, 02:43 PM
Aw, dear, I am so sorry. That is a lot to deal with. But you seem very strong and I am sure you and the baby will be fine.. :)

08-19-2013, 02:48 PM
I didn't realise you have a heart problem I don't know what IST is. Everything I get up my heart rate goes really fast sometimes even jut laying in bed once wakin. Up its high... I have only had an ECG done and some bloods no other testing which concerns me