View Full Version : so anxious wish my luck!

08-19-2013, 08:04 AM
it may sound daft but i have my first phonecall therapy with a group called talking changes today. im getting anxious just thinking about and known im going to have to talk about my symptoms and feelings. i find plodding on letting things float over my head is keeping my relatively relaxed at the minute. so dreding this. but fingers crossed it helps. filling in my workbook as a type!. x

08-19-2013, 04:06 PM
It wil help a tonne. Submit to it the whole way, and be completely, completely honest the whole time. Self talk and mistaken beliefs can often sound very silly and even sound weak when said out loud, but they need to be corrected, and when they are, you feel a TONNE better! Best of luck.

08-19-2013, 05:15 PM
thankyou for the reply. i dont want to be on medicatiom & since been young bottled my feelings up. was my first telephone appointment but im doing the workbook & listening & speaking. so fingers crossed!