View Full Version : Short sharp chest pain

08-19-2013, 06:43 AM
Hello everyone,

I've had what is probably anxiety for almost 2 years now! Had lots of tests done. Most recently ECG and blood tests a fortnight ago. All clear.

I live in constant fear of a heart attack.

Today I have a new symptom. 3 times today already (it's 1pm where I am) ive had a very sharp pain in my chest, exactly where my heart is, it only lasts a few seconds but so painful and hurts even more when I press it. Then it goes away and I can't feel anything. It makes me go so hot as well. I have this teamed with the almost constant sharp pains I get in my shoulder and upper arm.

Can this all be anxiety??? Doc said it but I'm really struggling today. My eyes are hot and heavy, my stomach is burning,I'm so fearful it's horrible :(

Thank you

Michelle :)

08-19-2013, 06:48 AM
hi michelle

what you have is Anxiety it can manifest in so many different ways ... i had all those things and more but you start to realise its anxiety after a while a new pain or symptom is always frightening i know..... please trust me if youv been checked by the doc then your fine....
anxiety causes pains in the muscles of the chest between the ribs and small muscles around the body.... its just tense muscle that your feeling

i hope this reassures you but im in the same boat everything freaks me out too x