View Full Version : Anxiety worse when the seasons change?

08-18-2013, 11:58 PM
I've always been called a worry-wort and a hypochondriac since I was little. But it wasn't until the last two years that I began to truly feel 'anxiety' and all of the awful symptoms that go along with it. I've been diagnosed with GAD but what's very interesting to me is that when the summer is ending, and the fall is near my symptoms sky rocket. I get insomnia, sadness and gloom, intrusive thoughts (which are hell all on their own) and tons of physical symptoms.

I'm at the point where just the idea that it's almost September has me experiencing dread over the fact that I don't want to go through last year's hell all over again :(

Just curious if anyone out there seems to have their anxiety worsen with the seasonal changes?? . Maybe some coping methods if so..

08-19-2013, 01:49 AM
A lot more people feel worse in winter when there's less sunlight etc. Seasonal something disorder. I can't remember the name exactly. Just try and get as much sunlight as you can during the day time.


08-19-2013, 12:21 PM
Oh no :( I'm sorry! You and I are complete opposites. I love fall/winter and everything that goes along with it; pumpkins, Halloween, hot chocolate, apple cider, changing of the leaves, then thanksgiving and Christmas. It's my ultimate favorite 2 seasons.

08-19-2013, 12:41 PM
I suffer from this as well. The colder it gets outside, the more I grow anxious. Also in cold weather it is harder to breathe as our lungs are less expanded (something like that) which imitates the sensation of a panic attack.

08-19-2013, 07:48 PM
I had my two "nervous breakdowns" in october/september" once when I was 13 and last year at 22, so yea I was thinking about the fall coming up and it was making me a bit anxious. It helps me to take long runs at night, the weather is perfect for it.

08-19-2013, 09:36 PM
Thanks for all the feedback. Night time is and always has been the worst for me...so here I am again perusing the anxiety forum! Lol it is comforting to know that there are so many others suffering from anxiety- although I wish no one had to!

Mrs.J88 - the worst part is that late fall and Christmas have always been my favorite times of the year- family and friends and food and cheer. The last two have been ruined by chronic worry and fear.

I just wish I could snap out of it. I feel like I am not even LIVING my life :/

08-20-2013, 01:21 AM
Thanks for all the feedback. Night time is and always has been the worst for me...so here I am again perusing the anxiety forum! Lol it is comforting to know that there are so many others suffering from anxiety- although I wish no one had to!

Mrs.J88 - the worst part is that late fall and Christmas have always been my favorite times of the year- family and friends and food and cheer. The last two have been ruined by chronic worry and fear.

I just wish I could snap out of it. I feel like I am not even LIVING my life :/

I know how you feel about not living your life! This has been a rough summer for me. And night time is the WORST for me too!!

08-20-2013, 03:54 AM
Season disorder affects so many people google it and have a read might help you x

08-20-2013, 09:20 AM
I suffer from this as well. The colder it gets outside, the more I grow anxious.

Yep, me too. I also have a weird tendency to cry without any reasons on rainy days. Not sure how to fight it though, so I just let it pass.

08-20-2013, 12:14 PM

Your vitamin D3 level is very low. When the season changes, and you even have less sunshine on you, then anxiety, depression, and panic will hit you. Please be aware that vitamin D3 is produced when you are under the sun, and your skin is exposed to the sun rays. What you are experiencing is called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). You must have a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test. In accordance that test's result, a smart, and up to date doctor should elevate your D3 level to somewhere between 50 to 100 ng/ml. Then your problem, in most probability, will be taken care of.

Best of luck,

08-20-2013, 12:34 PM

Thank you for that information. I actually visited an endocrinologist last August for a thyroid nodule and they ran blood tests as well. I found out that I was low on Vitamin d but was not given any information on what to look for as far as supplements go or how much I needed to take :/ I asked but she was a very abrasive and informative dr.

Your story has given me great hope because I have felt so strongly that my anxiety has to do with the change in sun and weather.

My GP has not been helpful as he just prescribed me something which I ended up not taking by the time spring rolled around anyway, because I was feeling so much better emotionally and thought-wise.

I'm going to find a new GP and I'm going to find out about my vitamin D3 level. Thanks so much! I'll be sure to let you know if it helps me!

Blessings to you for taking the time to respond to others suffering with anxiety.