View Full Version : Is this normal

08-18-2013, 07:55 PM
A couple of years ago I started worrying about my mouth, like it was if I couldn't feel it properly and obsessed over it thinking I was going to breath in saliva or do something to harm myself... I also started feeling like I wasn't in reality like I was detached from my body, I can't taste properly, feel properly and nothing seems real in a way, its hard to put the feeling into words. These two symptoms together really make me feel as if i'm going to somehow hurt myself or even die somehow.
Since then it has only gotten worse, I have kind of learnt to ignore the mouth symptoms but I still get them... But now I also feel like i'm not getting enough oxygen when I breath. It feels like I can't feel myself breathing and I can't feel the air going into my lungs. When i'm not thinking about it I breath perfectly well but as soon as the thought crosses my mind i'm stuck consciously breathing again.
I'm not sure if what iv'e been experiencing this year is panic attacks but it's happened 10+ times this year. All of these symptoms become incredibly intense and I really think I can't breath or that something is going wrong in my throat or mouth. I panic so much my heart starts beating incredibly loud and I start shaking and get really stiff and feel like i'm not controlling my body, I even thought I was having a heart attack a few times and nearly rang an ambulance.. Iv'e been to the doctor and he said my breathing is fine, had blood tests and everything came back good as well so nothing is physically wrong with me. Really hard to describe most of what these feelings are....
Has anyone felt anything similar to this? xD