View Full Version : lol Don't do drugs

10-30-2007, 09:22 PM
Yeah..Idk whether it was the pot or my anxiety, but I had a weird experience. I'm pretty sure it was a bad trip. >.> But Idk. I've had similar feelings not on anything so maybe it just makes my anxiety 100 times worse. At one point, I couldn't move my feet apart. I had no control over my body. Another point it felt like everything was going in reverse. Screw that shit. Never again.

10-31-2007, 02:27 AM
Drugs can cause or aggravate anxiety. So yes, you are better off without them. I had about a two year stint with drugs starting about 15 years ago. And in the aftermath of it, I experienced quite a bit of anxiety. Overall, it took about 2-3 years of being drug-free for me to recover completely (during which time I worried IMMENSELY I wouldn't). So screw drugs. Even the best high is just not worth the consequences.

I should note that this anxiety does have one positive effect: it is VERY effective when it comes to discouraging you from everusing again. I don't even have any desire to do drugs again.

10-31-2007, 07:08 AM
tell me about it, would never do drugs again ever. i cant stop thinking ive permanently brain damaged myself. neurotransmitter damage or woteva. Its like everytime i accept my anxiety and depression it just gets worse. really gettin me down, however I kno we can beat this!

11-01-2007, 09:35 PM
Fuck man. Now I'm back to where I first started. I'm thinking too much about it which is making me have even more anxiety. Its lame as hell. Just thinking about anxiety makes me anxious. I'm anxious over being anxious. My attacks scare me.

11-02-2007, 05:52 AM
Fuck man. Now I'm back to where I first started. I'm thinking too much about it which is making me have even more anxiety. Its lame as hell. Just thinking about anxiety makes me anxious. I'm anxious over being anxious. My attacks scare me.

Then again, fear of fear is the defining characteristic of an anxiety disorder. And this is what maintains it. The fear of your disorder creates stress. And stress creates more anxiety. The key is to try to reduce your fearful reaction to your anxiety symptoms. This will gradually reduce your anxiety condition until it disappears. The catch? It will take a long time to go away. And you WILL have setbacks, which can bring you right back into it if you let them. So try your best not to react with fear to any symptoms or strange thoughts.