View Full Version : Does anxiety ever just vanish??

08-18-2013, 09:16 AM
Just wondering if any of u have ever experienced anyone who goes from a bad day to never having anxiety again.. like a certain part in their life??? My Mom had depression, went to a physc ward, had illusions, never really anxiety though. Mental breakdowns.. another one day out of the blue, she just came out of it.. she was in her late 20's She is now 51 and doesn't suffer with that anymore..she works full time, she has bought her a new home and 2new vehicles and even travels to her.lake house on the weekends. It's like nothing ever happened to her..is it possible for this to happen??

08-18-2013, 10:24 AM
Somedays ill wake up and immediately have a panic attack like this morning. Somedays ill wake up and go the entire day feeling like I'm super strong and on top of the world. It's weird how the mind works.

08-18-2013, 11:39 PM
I feel like the anxiety would disappear if I just lost everything I'm worried about. I've had panic attacks through whole days in the past but then they just suddenly stopped. Even the anxiety went away. Lately I've been thinking that maybe its all over but then out of the blue something bad happens and I get extremely anxious. I might be lying about the anxiety suddenly disappearing, though. That's what it felt like but it has always taken a few days for me to realize that its no longer there.

08-19-2013, 01:59 AM
You need to fully accept the anxiety and understand it. Without understanding you continue to live in fear, worry and ignorance. Convincing yourself it's a cancer or something sinister when in reality every symptom is your body reacting to excess stress and worry. It's giving these symptoms as a warning to say it needs to recover. People usually pile secondary worries onto these symptoms and make the body even more stressed.

What people dont realize is that they are in control not the anxiety. The symptoms have no power if you don't respond with negative emotions. They can't be fought or feared. We empower these aches and pains by fearing them. If you let them be and let your body get on with repairing itself then gradually the anxiety will reduce and eventually disappear.

There's no overnight cure for this because anxiety doesn't occur overnight. It builds up over months and years and usually erupts in a panic attack or aches and pains. Acceptance is key along with not responding to symptoms with emotions. Let the pains come and go and get on with your life. It might seem impossible at first but with practice you soon realize it's the correct method to overcome anxiety.


08-19-2013, 12:11 PM
i feel like mine did recently. rn im a bit anxious but nothing like before...

08-19-2013, 01:07 PM
Ragga how do you accept the anxiety? Im always in fear of death

08-19-2013, 01:28 PM
Not sure that it ever really goes away completely but you can learn how to deal with it and function at a better level.

08-19-2013, 02:14 PM
Not sure that it ever really goes away completely but you can learn how to deal with it and function at a better level.

This is what I hope for