View Full Version : bad thoughts

10-30-2007, 06:52 PM
hi every1... love this site makes me feel better knowing im not the only one with this crap lol.

anyway, for years everyday i think about people who have insulted me. some speecific thoughts are like from when i was in school and stuff, they play in my head like there being said to me right now and i still get extremly angry over them, its weird like i dont know wtf is wrong with me. i know it carnt be right, i seriously havent gone one day in the last like 4years without thinking of some who was insulted me like in school and crap, even when im talking to a girl or something i'l remeber the thoughts and start feeling really sick and angry and confidence of about 0, and its all the same insults. ive been pissed off by these same insults millions of times and its just the same sentances :S

does any1 know wot it could be, its really gettin to me now its driving me nutts, its absoulutly destroyed my confidence... hope some1 can help... :S :shock:

11-02-2007, 05:48 PM
I have the same problem. I think that only 10% or less of what people are saying is critical. I've realized that most often people are saying something neutral or something nice about you. And they may not even be talking about you at all. I theorize that I am self-concious about certain things so I automatically distort every word or phrase I hear other people say to be about what I'm self-concious about. Hope that makes sense!