View Full Version : You have greatness within you!

08-18-2013, 01:39 AM
When things go wrong...don't go with them. These are times that may test your spirit, sanity and faith. In life, things may happen to you and to the people that you care about. What matters the most is what happens in you!! That's what you control. Choose to respond from a place of power and possibility.

Affirm to yourself over and over again until it affects you at the cellular level..."No matter how bad it is...or how bad it gets...I'm going to make it. I WILL be ok!" Your words create your world. As you speak these words with power, feeling and conviction....they will become your reality. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!! We will get through this(:

08-18-2013, 01:42 AM
Sometimes life will knock you flat on your back and it may seem like all the problems in the world gang up on you to hold you down. You may feel trapped, but you know you can't give up. Listen to me. You've got to find a way out of the situation. Get an attitude. Make the decision that you will overpower whatever you are going through. Don't stop to complain. Focus all your time and energy on getting ahead.

Give yourself one reason everyday why you are better or bigger than the place in which you find yourself. You don't have the luxury to get depressed or feel sorry for yourself. Look around yourself relentlessly. Search for ways to free yourself. Keep moving...keep fighting...keep falling forward. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for being. Affirm to yourself over and over again.."I will persist until I succeed. It's not over until I win!" You have GREATNESS within you!!