View Full Version : I'm feeling nauseous and light headed again

08-17-2013, 03:10 PM
Everytime I have it and it is over, I'm like: 'See you are still alive robin stop worrying'... Until I feel like that again. And that again,,, is now. I feel aweful. Im dizzy and super nauseous and I'm afraid to go to sleep because I feel like this is not okay. You probably know the feeling lol.

Anyways, its been a while since I felt like this. And I forgot how stupid it is. Anxiety doesn't only make me scared and sad, it also makes me so angry. I sat down in the kitchen and I just cried. I was so angry. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. Why is my body making me feel like I'm going to die, over and over again...

Everytime I feel a little bit sick, it is the end of the world. When will it be over. When will I be sick again and feel like: 'oh well that sucks let's go to sleep' and not feel like 'OHMYGOD, I AM SICK. BUT NOT JUST SICK. REALLY SICK. HELP. IMMA DIE. DIS IS WRONG. YOU ARE NAUSEOUS ROBIN, THAT MEANS YOU WILL DIE'

It s so stupid, and it upsets me. And now I am afraid to sleep, again. And it is so much. I feel like this almost every day. And it is stupid. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. And I know we all feel like this, but I'm just so frustrated and scared and sad and angry right now. I just.. I just needed to write it off.

I'm tired.

08-17-2013, 03:18 PM
I know exactly how you feel,I hate going to bed,I just worry more.My chest hurts and my head,I always think the worst and no one else understands!!!They tell me to just go to sleep,I wish I was that easy!!!

08-17-2013, 03:30 PM
I feel light headed every day. Some times want to.drop to the floor... I no how u feel tho

08-17-2013, 08:48 PM
Everytime I have it and it is over, I'm like: 'See you are still alive robin stop worrying'... Until I feel like that again. And that again,,, is now. I feel aweful. Im dizzy and super nauseous and I'm afraid to go to sleep because I feel like this is not okay. You probably know the feeling lol.

Anyways, its been a while since I felt like this. And I forgot how stupid it is. Anxiety doesn't only make me scared and sad, it also makes me so angry. I sat down in the kitchen and I just cried. I was so angry. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. Why is my body making me feel like I'm going to die, over and over again...

Everytime I feel a little bit sick, it is the end of the world. When will it be over. When will I be sick again and feel like: 'oh well that sucks let's go to sleep' and not feel like 'OHMYGOD, I AM SICK. BUT NOT JUST SICK. REALLY SICK. HELP. IMMA DIE. DIS IS WRONG. YOU ARE NAUSEOUS ROBIN, THAT MEANS YOU WILL DIE'

It s so stupid, and it upsets me. And now I am afraid to sleep, again. And it is so much. I feel like this almost every day. And it is stupid. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. And I know we all feel like this, but I'm just so frustrated and scared and sad and angry right now. I just.. I just needed to write it off.

I'm tired.

I know exactly how you feel. I got to the point at work today where I just wanted to sit down and cry. I have a tension headache stemming from all the knots in my neck, and all of the sudden now I am consumed with the thought that I have meningitis! And guess what? I'm an RN!! I know better but for some unknown reason when it comes to my own health I can't listen to my rational nurse self. I am especially stressed right now because my husband wants to go away for our one year anniversary and I have already started agonizing over flying in a plane. It hasn't even happened yet but I am making myself sick everyday from the thought of it! I feel so guilty and horrible fur my husband that he can't even live life because of me.

08-17-2013, 09:38 PM
Anxiety and depression are so horrible, they completely ruin our lives and often come back when we least expect them to. I dread nights and start panicking from 8 pm in case I have a bad night. I take tablets and sometimes have good nights but if my head is not well I can completely over ride the tablets and be awake for hours.
All of the symptoms you get with it - light headed, sickness, tight chest - are horrible to handle and really scary, but they are usually caused because we are panicking. Learning to just deep breath from our stomachs and not shallow breath from our chests can stop most of the symptoms. Not easy though when panicking, and takes time to practice and learn.
Meditation helps to teach us to breath deeply and slowly so it is good to learn that, and even if only do it 5 minutes a day, when panicking it does help to go back to practising the slow breathing of meditation.