View Full Version : what the hell to do??

10-29-2007, 03:01 PM
first of I have anxiety attacks have had them since I was 14. I have been on all types of meds, and am currently on Celexa.
I don't know that it's really working at all.

10-30-2007, 01:12 AM
Hey Pamela please have hope as although you may not be able to change your circumstances you can change your perception. Now i know this sounds crazy and im sure i would of though the same a year ago when i was in the depths of anxiety and depression but there is much truth to this. One story in particular that always sticks out in my mind is the Dalhi Lama's. I was watching a 60 minutes interview of him and he is probably the happiest person ive ever seen. Which is insane considering his circumstances. 50 years ago his country Tibet was invaded and ravaged by the Chinese who still occuppy and oppress his people to this day. So how can he possibly be happy. I mean he simply lost every thing. Most people would slip into anger, hate, depression... and every other kind of negative emotion. But hes only positive about life and his future. Simply put its his perception that determines his and our attitudes. This is not to say that its easy to change. These last 6 months of using the cbt course have been some of the hardest in my life but also the most rewarding. I have felt my confidence come back as my perception of myself has slowly changed. I have gotten to the point where my old anxiety thoughts cause no fear as my perception of my thoughts has changed. And in turn my perception of life is changing into a peception that has been caught up in negativity for way too long.
If you can do this many of the circumstances in your life will change too as this new personal power will alow you to deal with them differently.