View Full Version : My mood has changed, but I still don't feel really better, not sure why?

08-16-2013, 08:45 PM
For about 2 months, I was having a string of really bad panic attacks, crying every single day.. (over a breakdup) then a few weeks ago, I have seem to stop having severe attacks (for now) yet I still don't feel happy, now I just feel like a zombie really, not happy, but not panicky, just sort of tired and bored feeling. I'm not really understanding why the anxiety attacks have been less, but I still don't feel better..

Does anybody have an idea what it is? Did I just exhaust myself with so much anxiety that my brain and body just shut off for a while, or what?

08-16-2013, 09:26 PM
It sounds like you're mentally and emotionally exhausted. It takes time to heal from any kind of body and mental conditions or breakdowns. I know that even though my attack was a minor one I feel like I was hit by a truck. You'll see in time ....I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing

08-17-2013, 01:15 PM
Thank you, I feel like at the moment, I am still in my protective shell, scared and afraid to let myself feel relaxed and happy.. It's so lousy. I just hope time will start healing all this. Thank you for the response. :)

08-17-2013, 01:34 PM
No worries ...I'm in so much pain from my PA yesterday and I wasn't freaked out for very long but my body was so today I'm exaugsted ....the thing I find helpful is this meditation video on youtube its for anxiety and panic her name is Leonie faye....I listen to her video and it helps me ...idk maybe you may like it too?

08-17-2013, 09:43 PM
Break ups can take a very long time to get over, even when you think you are better, something can make you relive it again. Give yourself time to grieve the loss of the friendship and be kind to yourself.
It takes a while for our moods to lift and stay lifted and it sounds like you need to find something nice for yourself which you can do and enjoy. it doesn't have to be expensive but just something to pamper yourself with so that you get some enjoyable time and time just for you.
Meditation is brilliant to help with anxiety and panic, and there are loads of free apps you can download on it, or books etc you can get. The easiest meditation is just to sit for 5 minutes and concentrate on deep slow breathing from your stomach. It gives you time to just let bad thoughts float by and for your deep breathing to massage your body. When you get better at it longer each day is good, but 5 minutes to start with is really good.

08-23-2013, 10:31 PM
Break ups can take a very long time to get over, even when you think you are better, something can make you relive it again. Give yourself time to grieve the loss of the friendship and be kind to yourself.
It takes a while for our moods to lift and stay lifted and it sounds like you need to find something nice for yourself which you can do and enjoy. it doesn't have to be expensive but just something to pamper yourself with so that you get some enjoyable time and time just for you.
Meditation is brilliant to help with anxiety and panic, and there are loads of free apps you can download on it, or books etc you can get. The easiest meditation is just to sit for 5 minutes and concentrate on deep slow breathing from your stomach. It gives you time to just let bad thoughts float by and for your deep breathing to massage your body. When you get better at it longer each day is good, but 5 minutes to start with is really good.

thank you both for the answers, I will check out that video too, and perhaps try some meditation.. I'm still so up and down right now, good days and bad days.. :(