View Full Version : here we go again

08-16-2013, 07:27 PM
So i have been pretty good until yesterday, at school started having the dizzy nausea feeling, then headed to my Drs appointment. was out of it until i saw him and talked to him. we decided to re-start Celexa since it worked for me before. today I was great, no issues, got my rx to start tomorrow, and im prepared to ride out the attacks in the begining. JUST NOW - i am supposed to go to the water park with my BFF and my God Daughter, and all of a sudden im woozy, tense, and mad about it. It is hot as hell and ive been in front of the fan just chillin out, so why now?? I come on here cause i need to write it out. ....I HATE PANIC ATTACKKKKSSSSSSS - i dont even start my meds until tomorrow am lol and if i take one now i may flip out more. I guess I need to go lay down....FML

08-16-2013, 07:40 PM
So i have been pretty good until yesterday, at school started having the dizzy nausea feeling, then headed to my Drs appointment. was out of it until i saw him and talked to him. we decided to re-start Celexa since it worked for me before. today I was great, no issues, got my rx to start tomorrow, and im prepared to ride out the attacks in the begining. JUST NOW - i am supposed to go to the water park with my BFF and my God Daughter, and all of a sudden im woozy, tense, and mad about it. It is hot as hell and ive been in front of the fan just chillin out, so why now?? I come on here cause i need to write it out. ....I HATE PANIC ATTACKKKKSSSSSSS - i dont even start my medsoum until tomorrow am lol and if i take one now i may flip out more. I guess I need to go lay down....FML

I feel ya! I've been so good until today and now I'm anxious as hell! Dizzy and nauseated

08-16-2013, 08:30 PM
I started feeling better after listening to my youtube meditation then I got up smoked halfa cig and it started again I hate this....idk what to do I can't just lay in bed forever ...but its the only way I calm down

08-16-2013, 08:31 PM
Hope you feel better

08-16-2013, 08:55 PM
Well, it seems like the triggers for your attacks were probably 1. going to the doctor's appointment (might have made you nervous?) 2. Having to go to the water park will take up your time, you aren't looking forward to it.. I'm thinking that's why you are stressing out. When you are seriously anxious about life on a bigger scale during a time period, suddenly little things like having to go places you don't want to go to become much bigger and much more nerve racking, just all part of the fun of anxiety.

08-16-2013, 09:22 PM
I was thinking that as well ...I wasn't actually worried or not wanting to go to either. I was looking forward to the appointment because I wanted to ask him about restarting celexa and about therapy. Still I freaked? Also I was glad to go with them to the park I wanted to get out of the house when I'm home and have nothing going on is when I'm most likely to panic. These thoughts are why I don't understand the sudden attacks. Today was stronger than most I usually nip it in the bud. Today it was like 5 mins then full on panic

08-17-2013, 01:11 PM
Well, it seems like the triggers for your attacks were probably 1. going to the doctor's appointment (might have made you nervous?) 2. Having to go to the water park will take up your time, you aren't looking forward to it.. I'm thinking that's why you are stressing out. When you are seriously anxious about life on a bigger scale during a time period, suddenly little things like having to go places you don't want to go to become much bigger and much more nerve racking, just all part of the fun of anxiety.

Sometimes panic hits you like that, I remember back in November being excited to visit this craft store I'd wanted to buy something at.. then boom! After lunch, I had a full blown attack while getting out of the car and going into the store, it completely ruined it for me.. I realized later the stress level I was under and why it happened.. but yes, panic can get you even when you are looking forward to doing something to, it's like it buries all that happy part of you under it's crap for a while.

but I would say, work on finding out what is triggering your attacks, that is what Cognitive Behavior Therapy is for, and it's good you can do it on your own, cause understanding your anxiety triggers makes it easier to manage. Good luck.

08-17-2013, 01:27 PM
Thank you I have been looking into what may trigger my attacks its just confusing since I have moments where I'm stressed out rushing and it doesn't cause me anything but irritation lol and then im relaxed happy not anxious at all and it goes off. I'm already a hyper person always figiting or bouncing my leg lol so when I'm still and spacey everyone can tell somethings wrong lol my class is aware of my issues so its not embaressing but I don't like missing anything or being a distraction....I'm going to look up cognitive behavior now thank you

08-23-2013, 10:35 PM
Thank you I have been looking into what may trigger my attacks its just confusing since I have moments where I'm stressed out rushing and it doesn't cause me anything but irritation lol and then im relaxed happy not anxious at all and it goes off. I'm already a hyper person always figiting or bouncing my leg lol so when I'm still and spacey everyone can tell somethings wrong lol my class is aware of my issues so its not embaressing but I don't like missing anything or being a distraction....I'm going to look up cognitive behavior now thank you

I know how you feel, you think you're okay, then something will just come out of nowhere and you'll panic again. I guess maybe you have to look at the big picture, if something is still upsetting you, and you're panicking, then the problem is not solved yet.

and you're welcome, I hope that learning about CBT helped you out some.

08-24-2013, 01:28 AM
Thank you darlin ....I looked into it and its mostly what I've ready been doing but I did make an appointment with a therapist for next Friday....so I'm not kidding about dealing with it

08-24-2013, 11:34 AM
Thank you darlin ....I looked into it and its mostly what I've ready been doing but I did make an appointment with a therapist for next Friday....so I'm not kidding about dealing with it

That's good, I hope it helps you, and you find a good one that will help. I had one last year after I was prescribed Zoloft, and she wasn't very helpful really, she mostly told me things I already knew. but, in the future, I am thinking of seeing another that really specializes in ways to deal with anxiety.