View Full Version : Bad week - advice needed!!!!!!

08-16-2013, 10:48 AM
I'm having a bad week!!!!

I'm nearly a year into the start of my treatment for anxiety and depression. It took quite a while to get the right medication (combined with CBT) sorted out, but I'm now feeling the benefit of them. However, I can't seem to get past the thoughts that I should be able to get better without the help I'm receiving. I want to chuck all the help (GP, Community Psychiatric Nurse, Psychiatrist, counsellor, help groups and medication) away. I've told my nurse and GP how I'm feeling and they all have the same answer - don't give up on the treatment, it's working! But I keep thinking that I should be capable of fighting and dealing with my anxiety and depression on my own!!! When I have a 'bad' day (which far outweigh the 'good' days now) I'm back to crying all the time, shouting at the kids, not being able to leave the house, panic attacks, staying in bed all day and self harming more.

This week I haven't had one 'good' day, just a few hours here and there where I've felt human. Should I keep going with the medication and CBT that has been scheduled for me, I don't know???? I need advice, just one person that knows what I'm feeling and who can say that it does get better!!!!!

08-16-2013, 10:57 AM
we all take our bumps and we have to continue forth. So, yea don't give up and keep using the cbt. Do not expect to much enjoy the successthat u do have.

08-16-2013, 11:32 AM
Sounds like you definatly need the help and support of your treatment. Dealing with these things alone is even harder. I dont think it will benefit ou if you stop it now.
Why do you feel that you should be able to deal with this alone? Do you feel shame for taking the help? If so then forget about it. We all need help with dealing with anxiety. Either with a support team, treatment, meds or other methods.
You are on the right track! keep with it :D

08-16-2013, 12:36 PM
The only way to know this is to try. Having said that I'd stay with it but do the docs know your having this much trouble? Alankay