View Full Version : after going to my doctors....

hail to the thief
10-29-2007, 05:05 AM
the doctor sorta just said i'm just really introverted and that it's probably just because i'm a teenager. I got the feeling he thought i was wasting his time to be honest.

Anyway, they sent soemthing through about a self help clinic.

Does anyone have any information about these? Will it just be me or will there be others? Also, is it any good!?

Just looking at the forms makes me feel an idiot with all the 'mental health' stuff.

10-31-2007, 07:15 AM
Hey dont feel weird bout the mental health issues. I felt the same, but now I just dont care. Its surprising how REAL mental health issues are and its not our fault we face them. I look at it as a positive because I now want to change my selfish ways and help other sufferers, its realy opened my eyes to how much we take health for granted! Also go to your self-help clinic. I struggle so much from introverted thinking, Im 22 and Ive thought this way since being 18. I thought everybody felt like I did, so didnt realise I had issues for quite some time. Unfortunately in Liverpool Ive been waiting ten weeks to see a counsellor, so please dont waste the opportunities facing you

10-31-2007, 09:45 AM
Idk if it is the same thing, but I went to a program back when I was a senior in high school for depression/anxiety. In my program I went during school hours and there were other kids around my age. It really did help me. They set me up to see a therapist. I stopped seeing the therapist because it was too expensive. (No health insurance) So yeah, I'm just trying to beat anxiety by myself. Obviously I'm dumb though (The pot thing yesterday) and that whole experience is really messing with me still but yeah. Programs help if you allow them to help, if you truly want to get over it. (and it def. seems like you want to) Sounds weird, but it seems like some people don't care to get help. Some people like the attention they get for being anxious and depressed. It won't be any help if you are fighting the help.