View Full Version : Going to doctor underage

08-15-2013, 11:21 PM
I live in FL and am 16. My normal doctor I go to through my parents I hate, he doesn't do anything for me but they insist I go to him. (Normal doctor, only see him when I get physicals)

If I pay cash, can I go to a doctor of my choice?
What is he likely to do?
Would he be allowed to prescribe me anything, if I can even fill one without a parent? (my current doc won't even consider..)

I have a friend who USE to have issues who recommended an "O.D".
My parents can not be notified if I am going. I don't even want them to know I have any sort of condition, as they don't really believe anxiety is a real issue. I'm not very close with them, so it's not like I'd break anyone's heart getting private treatment..

I have severe anxiety issues when in public, and have panic attacks very often, even the simplest things, often out of no-where when I'm not even feeling very down.... I have had several severe ones at school and it drives me crazy a bunch of kids saw me do.. that.

Much of my family are alcoholics and I constantly can not sleep worrying for them all the time..A lot of the times I do fall asleep, I have horrid vivid dreams of a few traumatic memories I have (which includes being shot) rarely think about this happening(unless I'm having one of these terrible dreams again, of course.), it's just like a recurring dream. It's not the only I have, but most of my dreams (nearly nightly) are night terrors, I sometimes even wake up with a racing heartbeat (not too often, though)

The same incident sometimes the causes me to have a very severe attack when I am outside and hear something even closely resembling a 'bang',

I've spent numerous hours trying terrible online methods, that usually just wright "just dont have anxiety" out in a long, drawn-out step by step method.

School is starting for me soon and ever since I first started having these attacks my 8th grade year, I went from having an A-B average to barely passing. I get very stressed in school specifically, when I'm in class all I can seem to do is worry about something irelevant. I want to get my depression/anxiety at-least temporarily helped so I have atleast some chance of saving my GPA.

08-16-2013, 08:48 AM
-bump, still need info..

08-16-2013, 08:59 AM
I'm pretty sure you would have to have a legal guardian with you even if you paid cash.

08-16-2013, 09:15 AM
I'm pretty sure you would have to have a legal guardian with you even if you paid cash.

What law restricts me from doing so?

08-16-2013, 11:01 AM
It's on most paperwork. At least in the US it is. Not sure about anywhere else.

08-16-2013, 11:01 AM
But i can't guarantee or help you with legal matters. I'd suggest calling a dr office and finding out what their policy is.

08-16-2013, 11:11 AM
But i can't guarantee or help you with legal matters. I'd suggest calling a dr office and finding out what their policy is.

I'm mostly trying to find out all the legal aspects of it. If it's legal I'm sure its a total different process/different paperwork.

08-16-2013, 11:14 AM
No, I'm saying the initial paperwork, health history etc has a place for you to sign, and for a legal guardian to sign IF the patient is under 18. This is a legal signature that means there is an adult responsible for your care, and pay any copays/balances for the account. You cannot sign the document since you are not 18. I'm not sure any doctors office is going to see you without the paper signed.

08-16-2013, 11:26 AM
No, I'm saying the initial paperwork, health history etc has a place for you to sign, and for a legal guardian to sign IF the patient is under 18. This is a legal signature that means there is an adult responsible for your care, and pay any copays/balances for the account. You cannot sign the document since you are not 18. I'm not sure any doctors office is going to see you without the paper signed.

I don't think you understand the question.

The question is can I legally consent to a doctors visit? and If not what law is restricting me from doing so?
If it is legal, I guarantee you i'll find a doctor who will allow it.
I doubt I wouldn't be able to find an OD who would see me for anxiety if it were legal in a state you can get 90 Roxi 30s for a papercut..

08-16-2013, 11:33 AM
I don't know if this would help but it's an idea anyway...I think defmunel is right about not being able to get an appointment without a parent or guardian signature on your paperwork, but what about contacting a crisis hotline and talking to someone? That you can do without a parent's knowledge, and they are created for these kinds of issues (anxiety, depression, etc. etc.) and they might have suggestions! Both of these sites have a ton of different hotlines listed...there's even one called TeenLink.



08-16-2013, 11:55 AM
I don't know if this would help but it's an idea anyway...I think defmunel is right about not being able to get an appointment without a parent or guardian signature on your paperwork, but what about contacting a crisis hotline and talking to someone? That you can do without a parent's knowledge, and they are created for these kinds of issues (anxiety, depression, etc. etc.) and they might have suggestions! Both of these sites have a ton of different hotlines listed...there's even one called TeenLink.



I've tried all that crap. I hate hotlines. And this isn't a crisis. It's been happening for years...

Since no one knows if it is legal, can anyone suggest where I could find out if it were legal? I found tons of info on other states but little information about Florida, especially with all the pill mill drama..

08-16-2013, 12:30 PM
Some links,



Really a pdoc should rx meds for those under 18. But a Family doc can. This is secondary as it seems unless an emergency/pregnacy/STD you need consent but as mentioned above, call the doc offices as they will know the "real world" laws/grey areas as how it effects treatment of minors whose parents will not allow or are in denial about an real issue a minor may be having. In effect if you are truly having anxiety that's more than normal and you parents are not allowing you to see a doc, they may be neglecting you.... or legally similar. It might be that if a doc felt this he could just talk to the parents and "enlighten" them. I bet that's what would work out if you visted a doc on an emergency basis.
Near Tampa by chance? Alankay

08-16-2013, 12:39 PM
Some links,



Really a pdoc should rx meds for those under 18. But a Family doc can. This is secondary as it seems unless an emergency/pregnacy/STD you need consent but as mentioned above, call the doc offices as they will know the "real world" laws/grey areas as how it effects treatment of minors whose parents will not allow or are in denial about an real issue a minor may be having. In effect if you are truly having anxiety that's more than normal and you parents are not allowing you to see a doc, they may be neglecting you.... or legally similar. It might be that if a doc felt this he could just talk to the parents and "enlighten" them. I bet that's what would work out if you visted a doc on an emergency basis.
Near Tampa by chance? Alankay

Yes, actually I am close to Tampa. I live about 45 minuets away (i lived in west tampa until I was 15) My normal doctor works at a huge outpatient center..
I was planning on going to a family doctor.

Does it have to be an 'emergency'
I don't consider anxiety or panic attacks an emergency, since my physical health isn't at immediate risk..

08-17-2013, 04:53 PM
-bump, still need info..

08-18-2013, 02:06 PM
-still need info.

08-19-2013, 07:58 PM
-bump, still need info. going to probably call a few family docs and ask soon..

Can I go to any MD about anxiety/depression?

08-19-2013, 08:30 PM
Yes he can help with with anxiety. If you are in a lot of distress it might be close enough of an emergency. Call and ask about it they should know how to proceed. Just be truthful with him/her. By any doc i mean a Family doc or pediatrician as they see folks up to 18. Alankay

08-20-2013, 01:02 PM
Yes he can help with with anxiety. If you are in a lot of distress it might be close enough of an emergency. Call and ask about it they should know how to proceed. Just be truthful with him/her. By any doc i mean a Family doc or pediatrician as they see folks up to 18. Alankay

Ok I'm going to call some local ones and see what to do.

I have no problem being truthful with the doctor, especially since most docs around here are just pill-pushers anyway..