View Full Version : Job Searching

08-15-2013, 08:42 PM
So, I have a job already, but I'm moving soon. I put in an application in the town I'm moving to yesterday... somewhere I would LOVE to work, and feel I'd be a great fit for. As you can probably guess and understand, I'm reflecting and obsessing over EVERY detail of the application I filled out. I applied to a bookstore, and they include a MAJOR pop culture / book test. I was totally humbled and not as knowledgable as I'd like to be. I scribbled a couple of silly asides in the margins, as well. I just can't help thinking I'm awkward and whoever reads through the thing is going to think I am certifiably nuts and weird, and an arrogant (though uneducated), incompetent jerk. I keep replaying everything I did, said, and wrote while I was there in my head and beating myself up.

Finding a job IS a judgment process. It's one of the few situations where you really are in the spotlight, and people really are paying attention to what you do.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has a lot of anxiety about the application process. How do you guys cope with the stresses of finding work?

08-15-2013, 08:55 PM
Well Ive been searching and filling apps out since Monday. It doesn't seem as streesful as the thougt of landing an interview.

08-16-2013, 10:45 AM
I have social anxiety and barely made it through the job interview process at my work, but definitely doing the cognitive-behavioral therapy beforehand helped a lot... do you have social anxiety specifically that makes the job interviews stressful, or some other kind of anxiety? CBT worked well for me :)

08-16-2013, 02:56 PM
Always remember why you are doing something. Like, Hey once I pass this interview I'll maybe get the job and start a great job that I really love. Picture yourself working there and what it would be like. This will make the interview process a little bit easier and take your mind off things. It's just a simple process in the hiring that needs to be done and it will soon be over. When I get panic attacks at the grocery store I imagine what I will be cooking when I get home and how my girlfriend is going to love it. I take a few deep breaths and think about the recipe and all the contents of what I will need. It's kinda like placing your mind elsewhere and getting the anxiety and panic attack thoughts out with positive reinforcement. Try it and stay strong.

08-17-2013, 02:40 PM
Well made it to work today and all in all wasn't that bad, worked up a good sweat with tha heat. Still I worked on three trucks got em all out under 2 hours. Total of about 8 hrs worth of work. should of taken it slower but it aint me. so I guess ima charge at least 6 hrs.. Do ya think its fair?

08-18-2013, 10:45 AM
Well down south, I started my current job about 6 years ago and we have no time restraints. But the first two years I burned myself out working too hard too fast. Just find that happy medium for a good steady work ethic and you'll do great. Keep up the hard work and always remember, at least I have a job haha. Stay strong.