View Full Version : a long week...

10-27-2007, 09:24 PM
so its been a while since ive posted on the forum or even visited the site, my anxiety has been there but hasnt been fully affecting me for about 2 months my last panic attack was august 30th and havent had one since. Thing s have been great until this week, I went to visit my girlfriend in her school town and the whole time i am there I have felt my anxiety build. I got home today and i feel on the verge of a panic attack constantly. I dont no what to do. Symptons are the same as always tightness in my chest, left arm is bugging me a lil (not having a heartattack), and just not being able to calm down. I dont know what sparked this and I dont know what to do. All I have been able to do is not be alone, Ive been hanging out with a neighbor in my complex and its all thats been helping but everytime Im alone today it gets worse. Any suggesitons? If this doesnt make sense tell me.... went from no anxiety this building up to being awful

10-28-2007, 10:23 PM
I think people with anxiety experience ups and downs. You said that you have been OK up until this last week, so maybe your just going through an anxiety phase. I know that my anxiety gets worse some times, and I don't know why. Nothing really provokes it, but it just sort of happens. Then, I'll start to feel a little better, and then like a wave, it comes back all at once. For me, my anxiety is less when I am alone, so I guess you have to do what works for you. I always feel anxiety, so I if yours goes away for a little while, its probably a good sign. Mine just kind of gets worse or stays the same, but never goes away. I did really well on Zoloft, so maybe go see a doctor about some different meds for anxiety--they may help. Good luck.

10-29-2007, 02:30 AM
thanks for the response robert... im hoping this is one of those waves... its really scary how it makes me feel, my anxiety always throws a constant fear of there being something wrong with my heart but I know there isnt. I have had all the tests done and its fine, and i dont smoke, barely drink, and work out almost daily. Hell I am even a health nut when it comes to the food I eat. Like you said I am really hoping that this is one of my waves at it goes away slowly. My anxiety is actually keeping me awake tonight but I am scheduling a appt with my therapist first thing in the morning to see if that will help.