View Full Version : Meds and pregnant

08-15-2013, 02:31 PM
So I had a meeting today with the local community mental health team went well we went through all my anxiety problems my pass ect and she said at the moment for me to help myself I need to go on medication. So she is putting me on anti depressants but I'm pregnant I've read yet aren't safe in pregnancy and breast feeding they are call fluoxetine it's a sort if Prozac.

I really don't feel safe taking these I don't take medication as it is even pain killers just because of side effects ect but she's said this is the only way I'm going to start getting better I'm so scared and I do feel down and fed up with the anxiety like I have literally had enough of it all.

08-15-2013, 02:33 PM
Is this medication being paired with CBT or another form of therapy? Drugs are all well and good at masking symptoms but they never cure you or deal with root causes. If you're taking meds and nothing else then it's not going to get rid of the anxiety. I've tried prozac and 2 SSRI's and I didin't get on with them. They make everything seem a bit false. Now some people do think they're lifesavers but it can wind up becoming a crutch for people.

Perhaps you can ring them and ask avbout therapy if they didin't mention it in today's session.


08-15-2013, 02:42 PM
I have about 5 CBT sessions over the phone though they have put me on a waiting list to see someone face to face for the CBT instead of over the phone sessions. NHS can take a long time do we will see. I have never taken meds for my anxiety I've never been on a anti depressant either I'm really not keen on hong on them as you said they mask it don't cure it then when you come off your back to where you started.

Being pregnant as well medication isn't an opinion for me I couldn't take it if it was to harm my unborn child.

08-15-2013, 02:52 PM
They wouldn't recommend a drug that was harmful when you were pregnant. We live in such a nanny state and coddled society that anything that can harm a baby or child is slated by the media at the drop of a hat.

Thing with therapy is that if you haven't reached a stage of fully realizing and accepting that all these symptoms, aches and pains etc are all caused by anxiety - then therapy can't be very effective in helping you. That's what my CBT therapist said to me and it really prompted me to read about anxiety, understand it and reach a point of acceptance. At first it felt forced. But this is something that takes practice.

You get so used to responding to everything wwith emotional, irrational and frightful responses that being rational or logiical seems nuts. But in reality the way you think when under the influence of heightened anxiety is what's really nuts. But that sounds offensive and I don't mean it to be. Reality is far form the minds of people trapped in the nightmare of anxiety and it's through understanding anxiety that yo ustart to pick it apart and realize just how wrong our method of thinking when feeling anxious day in day out really is.

If you enjoy reading try A Life at Last by Paul Brian or Brian Paul....heck it may even be Brian Peter... I forget. Anyways it's an easy read and it helped spell things out in simple plain englihs to me and a friend of mine too. It's worth a shot.


08-15-2013, 03:47 PM
So I had a meeting today with the local community mental health team went well we went through all my anxiety problems my pass ect and she said at the moment for me to help myself I need to go on medication. So she is putting me on anti depressants but I'm pregnant I've read yet aren't safe in pregnancy and breast feeding they are call fluoxetine it's a sort if Prozac.

I really don't feel safe taking these I don't take medication as it is even pain killers just because of side effects ect but she's said this is the only way I'm going to start getting better I'm so scared and I do feel down and fed up with the anxiety like I have literally had enough of it all.

I am in a similar situation minus being pregnant, I was pregnant in March but miscarried in April. I am on prozac... I originally came off my medication at the end of last year, although I could not handle it.. my anxiety was terrible. So I talked with a psychiatrist and my pcp and decided if I want to have a baby that I need to make sure I am in the best state possible, so Prozac was the med that was recommended. I am currently on 20mg daily and have been doing really good.. have yet to get pregnant again, but I am feeling very hopeful.

I believe it's a personal choice to be on meds while pregnant as there are risks, but in some situations the benefits out weigh the risks. :)

08-16-2013, 11:23 AM
I am in a similar situation minus being pregnant, I was pregnant in March but miscarried in April. I am on prozac... I originally came off my medication at the end of last year, although I could not handle it.. my anxiety was terrible. So I talked with a psychiatrist and my pcp and decided if I want to have a baby that I need to make sure I am in the best state possible, so Prozac was the med that was recommended. I am currently on 20mg daily and have been doing really good.. have yet to get pregnant again, but I am feeling very hopeful.

I believe it's a personal choice to be on meds while pregnant as there are risks, but in some situations the benefits out weigh the risks. :)

I was taking lexapro for years and went off to try to conceive. I was doing really great but it's taking a long time for me to get pregnant. For the past 3 weeks I have been having really bad panic attacks. My gp gave me zoloft but said to check with my Gyno before taking it. He wants me to try therapy first without taking meds. I am seeing a therapist but I just can't seem to function everyday life :( I think it would be best for me to start meds but I also don't want to risk harm to my baby. I just wish anxiety never existed!