View Full Version : Fighting it today...

08-15-2013, 11:25 AM
Rough day. Well, it started out ok. I had an appointment with a customer (which was fine) and when I got back to my desk I had some pangs in my chest. Not sharp stabbing pain, more like a poking feeling of discomfort on the left side of my chest. I have held it together ok, but I'm on the edge. My stomach was upset afterward, and I haven't had the pokes again since. Still feeling spacy and "not quite here", and feeling all over warning signs of a panic attack, like some random numbness (face, hands), hot/cold sensations/etc. Please tell me I'm fine. I think I might be, but I haven't quite convinced myself I don't have a heart issue. :(

08-15-2013, 12:00 PM
I have had those too and mostly it is muscles. I dont think you have to worry. Chest muscles can poke and twitch sometimes.
Try and take a long walk or fall down and do push ups.. in other words... keep busy and trick your body into being relaxed by breathing

08-15-2013, 12:08 PM
Rough day. Well, it started out ok. I had an appointment with a customer (which was fine) and when I got back to my desk I had some pangs in my chest. Not sharp stabbing pain, more like a poking feeling of discomfort on the left side of my chest. I have held it together ok, but I'm on the edge. My stomach was upset afterward, and I haven't had the pokes again since. Still feeling spacy and "not quite here", and feeling all over warning signs of a panic attack, like some random numbness (face, hands), hot/cold sensations/etc. Please tell me I'm fine. I think I might be, but I haven't quite convinced myself I don't have a heart issue. :(

Just chill and stay busy you are fine. Last time you had a panick attack you where fine right! Just do the breathing techniques and say im am calm I am relaxed for about a min. open your eyes and feel the refreshing sensation, youll be ok..........