View Full Version : Does

08-15-2013, 08:43 AM
does anyone take RENNIES to help chest pain. ?? could chest pains b to do with indegestion/gas

08-15-2013, 02:31 PM
I don't think Rennies work for me I take gaviscon does same thing but really works well

08-15-2013, 02:39 PM
Here's the thing, if you take it and it doesn;t work. Guess what? Another indicztor it's just anxiety and nothing more. It's worthwhile spending little to no time trying to find cures for conditions other than anxiety and start accepting it is anxiety. By believing it's anxiety + something else you are efffectively laying a roadblock infront of your road to recovery. These other issues you think are ontop of the anxiety allow the fear and worry viscious cycle continue to trap you because you're creating a sense of danger (that isn't there) thereby allowing the fight or flight response and panic and anxiety continue thereby creating more symptoms and drawing the entire thing out longer than it has to.


08-15-2013, 03:33 PM
Thanks ed
