View Full Version : High level of Calcium in blood

08-15-2013, 06:48 AM
I recently found out that I have too much calcium in my blood, and that that is NOT normal. It was my homeopath who found out, the bloodwork was taken at my GPs, but she looked it over. HOW COULD MY DOC HAVE MISSED IT?? I have many of the symptoms (hiccups, tingling, spasms, sleeping limbs etc.) .
Well, because I suffer from health anxiety, my GP and I agreed that I write if i'm worried, instead of booking an appointment. I just wrote him now, but I'm FREAKING OUT and absolutely sure I have cancer or something that I'll die off and they just didn't notice the high calcium in my blood..
Has anyone had high calcium level in their blood? Am I totally overreacting (well, duh, but still..)?

08-15-2013, 07:33 AM
Are you sure that what a homeopath calls high calcium is the same as what a GP would call as high calcium?
In any case I understand your fear. Try and find something to do while your GP answers you :) hang in there!

08-15-2013, 07:45 AM
The chances of you having cancer from this is like .00001% have you heard of hypoparathyroidism? That is what it might be. 99.8% of people test positive for this when having a high level of calcium on a blood test. Settle down it defiantly isn't cancer.

08-15-2013, 07:46 AM

08-15-2013, 10:38 AM
Have you had your Vitamin D levels tested? Vitamin D is required to transport calcium to the bones. If your Vitamin D levels are low it builds up in your blood. Get Vitamin D levels checked and I would ask your Doc about taking magnesium.

08-15-2013, 10:56 AM
thx guys, you're really good -I just have a cold now and a fever and of course I think I'm gonna die .. :-S

nf1234, thanks for the clearing; I did have a massive D-vitamin deficiency, but it's normal now -I take magnesium and vitamin D daily. I read about the calcium levels on the net (stupid internet :-( ) and it seemed that you'd only have high levels if something was really wrong, so there my mind goes, crashboom ;-)

08-15-2013, 11:04 AM
Not sure how high you are but it could be a dietary thing as well. Focus on foods that have more magnesium and potassium.

08-15-2013, 12:14 PM
Not sure how high you are but it could be a dietary thing as well. Focus on foods that have more magnesium and potassium.

how hi you are? !!!!! hey whats going on here?

08-15-2013, 02:23 PM
muhahaha :-p

08-15-2013, 02:30 PM
Not sure what the blood work was for but unless he was looking for that specifically I can maybe see why it was overlooked. Thing to remember is Dr's are all well and good to give you tests and say you've got anxiety and nothing more. BUt pills or herbs or "instant remedies" aren't going to cure your anxiety. It's down to your own determination to accept anxiety, understand it and not react to symptoms with fear and worry. It's your body giving off these symptoms to show you it's had enough stress and worry and wants time out to recover. Don't pile more worries and stress onto it by worrying about health conditions that you don't have.

When you start to understand and 100% accept it's all down to anxiety that is when the pains will beign to lessen and in time (months or more) your body will repair itself and the pains become less and less and less.


08-15-2013, 02:42 PM
Hi Smokey:

Your problem at this preliminary stage is almost clear cut, and simple.
If your Vitamin D3 (25-OH) test shows a low level, then your system is taking calcium from your bones
and pours it into your blood stream. This is the most common cause of developing high calcium level & and as a cnsequence, osteoprosis.

So, what you need to do is to have vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test + a PTH (parathyroid hormone) blood test.
If your D3 test is low, then your PTH must be high, and also your calcium level has already been high.
After bringing your vitamin D3 level to more than 50 ng/ml by a good doctor's instructions, then your other two tests (PTH & Cal)
will normalize. This is how your doctor should approach your problem, before thinking about more complicated health matters.

Please print this, and show it to your doctor, if you can not explain the logic.

Best of luck,

08-15-2013, 02:59 PM
Well, Ed, I'm a work in progress :) -Thank you for your insights!

08-15-2013, 09:08 PM
Good Advice ragamuffin!

08-15-2013, 10:55 PM
I second what Damavandi said. Your doctor may say your D level is now normal but the "normal" range is not normal. You should be above 50 at least. The low end of "Normal" is 30 and you can be symptomatic at that level. This is for the 25-OH test. Make sure that is what your having done and not the other one which I believe is the 1,25. Someone correct me if im wrong.

08-15-2013, 10:57 PM
Oh yeah and how high is high. What is your value and what is the range. It's doubtful your doc missed it because it will flag any test that is out of range and thats usually what they look for. The fact that they didn't mention it is a good sign because they most likely saw it and knew it wasn't an issue.

08-16-2013, 03:46 AM
Hi NF1234:

The other test which is not good for measuring vitamin D3 is called 1,25 (OH)2, or (1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D).
As you said the good test for measuring vitamin D3 is (25-OH).
Anyway, I recommend to everone at this forum to test for vitamin D3.
By taking care of low vitamin D3, the chances of improvement or even cure in some cases, is considerable for some people.

Best of luck to all,

08-16-2013, 07:59 AM
When I first got anxiety and was going through every test imaginable including blood test... I tested with high calcium also and was then tested a day later to recheck my levels and they were then normal. I was also checked for parathyroid but that came out fine also.

08-16-2013, 08:01 AM
Hi NF1234:

The other test which is not good for measuring vitamin D3 is called 1,25 (OH)2, or (1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D).
As you said the good test for measuring vitamin D3 is (25-OH).
Anyway, I recommend to everone at this forum to test for vitamin D3.
By taking care of low vitamin D3, the chances of improvement or even cure in some cases, is considerable for some people.

Best of luck to all,

I second the vitamin D3.. I had a deficiency and its helped to take a vitamin D3 vitamin daily