View Full Version : I feel terrible

10-27-2007, 09:48 AM
Im doing everything I can to kick this stupid anxiety. And yea I feel better at times, but I have this constant stupid thoughts about death even tho I dont wanna die. I just think im rallying round gettin on with my day but i could die at any moment. Also I find it hard to be sociable at the moment, like speaking is so much effort, I dont have much to say kinda thing. I just dont feel right at all. Its really bringing me down! Im so absent minded also due to lack of concentration on whatever im doing!

10-28-2007, 10:16 PM
I know how you feel. I don't think I can keep acting like everything is fine in my life. My anxiety at work is getting worse. Sometimes, I just am so anxious I feel like I am about to explode. Its getting a lot harder to be sociable and continue to be friendly with people. I just don't know what to do about it. I guess its time to back to the shrink. Well, good luck.

10-29-2007, 02:33 AM
Joey that is my anxiety fear also. I hate thinking that I could die any minute its such a wasted thought process and I never thought like that until I developed my anxiety. I know exactly how you feel with it. All I can say is keep fighting although Im going through a hard time with my anxiety at them moment its been really low or none existant till now so I can vouch that you can beat it.

10-29-2007, 11:12 AM
I've felt that way a few times. It is definately a hard one to get over.
I have found that when I feel like death can happen at any time that spending time with my nieces (5 years and 1.5 years) really perks me up because they don't have a care in the world and to them everything is fun. I watch them and laugh and pray to God that life doesn't hit them to soon.
On Friday, I was feeling really down as one of my axieties really kicked it into overdrive. A friend had to pull me away from my home and we spent a couple of hours together doing something I hadn't done in years. I don't recommend dropping $50.00 at a casino to everyone, but going there concentrating on the rollers and the bells and lights really took my mind off of things and really helped bring me down to where I needed to be. Find something that will make you forget about what is bugging you for a while. It may not seem like much, but that 2-3 hours of clear headedness did me a world of good.
Whatever happens, all the best to you.

11-03-2007, 01:12 PM
Try to take your mind off it. I mean really try, do it so that the thoughts fade away. Do something productive or read but whatever you do... try to take your mind off it.

When you think those type of thoughts, you'll only get more of those thoughts. Have you ever heard the saying "Feeding fuel to the fire"? It relates to anxiety in many ways. Stop letting these thoughts consume your life.

11-04-2007, 10:17 AM
I had this everyday after my aunt passed. I still get it every once in awhile where I think I am dying of a brain tumor or a heart attack or I am having an allergic reaction...or whatever it is at the moment. Oh yeah, for the longest and I mean years, I was convinced that I had AIDS and I was dying. So I got an HIV test and while I almost had a heart attack doing it and then waiting for results, in the end it was so freeing. I am negative thankfully but I would have gone on and done it with out the push of my family doctor. She knew I just needed to get past it. I then got a full physical so that when I wanted to believe I was dying I had no ammo since I knew everything was ok and I had my info on paper. So I think to stop the "I'm dying" thinking maybe talk to your doctor and let them know what you're feeling....half of my healing was telling people how I felt so that they could dispell any of my thoughts about dying when they came up. I hope this makes sense. I hope you get help as well...best of luck in the attempt! :)