View Full Version : eye floaters black dots squiggles clouds

08-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Does any body suffer this??? Do I see this because I have a anxiety disorder, stress and depression. I hate been out side because all I see is these floating in my vision.. does any body else get this?? All day every day.
Thanks. Rob

08-14-2013, 04:19 PM
I have really weird vision obscurities as well. I get squiggleys if I squint my eyes but mine that I deal with are blind spots that never go away. I only see them if I look at the wall or something white colored and turn my head sharply to the side. And when I wake up I get weird big blackish things pulsing on my eyes. Or if I leave a light room into a dark room the sides of my eyes will flash white for a long while

08-14-2013, 08:17 PM
Floaters are normal part of the sclera in your eye. It is debris, it is not harmful and it more profound in people who are near sighted. I have them terribly! There's nothing you can really do but ignore them which is easier said than done but it works. It's worse in bright lights and when looking at a blank white background. Everyone has them but "normal" people never take notice to them. Try increasing your water intake. I find when I'm well hydrated they get better.

08-14-2013, 08:32 PM
How many pints of water do you have in a day then.. lol at normal.. what is normal?

08-14-2013, 08:52 PM
How many pints of water do you have in a day then.. lol at normal.. what is normal?

I think 8 glasses of water is the daily recommendation but it could be higher or lower depending on the person. I just know if my eyes are especially dry the floaters are worse. And normal yes, people who don't freak out and obsess over every little bodily function lol

08-14-2013, 10:35 PM
I get this also, for the most part I can ignore it although lately I've been seeing more "things" that look like quick sparkle spot... Not sure how else to describe it? Does anyone else experience this as well?

08-15-2013, 01:45 AM
I get like these almost translucent strands of like goo stuff on my eye sometimes, it's like really light white but u can just barely see it when u try to get it out hahah not sure if its the same thing or I just sound crazy but ya it's almost like eye mucus

08-15-2013, 02:11 AM
I have really weird vision obscurities as well. I get squiggleys if I squint my eyes but mine that I deal with are blind spots that never go away. I only see them if I look at the wall or something white colored and turn my head sharply to the side. And when I wake up I get weird big blackish things pulsing on my eyes. Or if I leave a light room into a dark room the sides of my eyes will flash white for a long while

When my anxiety was still new my eyes would flash a color that look whitish when I left a light room into a dark one. This is the first time I've heard of someone else with something similar. Ha. Cool. My eyes don't do this anymore though