View Full Version : So hard to quit coffee!!!

08-14-2013, 02:57 PM
Ugh. I KNOW that avoiding caffeine helps me. I've actually quit coffee before, and I felt better in a lot of ways. But I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO DO IT! I need to get on decaf again. Has anyone else struggled with this? Seems the most obvious thing in the world, huh?

08-14-2013, 09:10 PM
I mix 1/2 cup decaf, 1/2 regular. Seems to work for me and only 1 cup a day :(. I used to drink 3 or 4 cups. Now I would probably climb the walls if I drank that much. Lol. Good luck..

08-15-2013, 05:27 AM
Think I had too much caffeine yesterday. It pushed me into an almost panic attack......couldn't go to sleep for the longest time last night.........so I definitely need to switch to decaf also.......

I'm going to miss my Starbucks caramel frap.......

08-15-2013, 07:20 AM
Maybe you can try and replacing it with hot chocolatemilk or something :D something warm and nice.

08-15-2013, 07:22 AM
I use instant coffee as it has about 1/2 the caffeine as drip. Then mix regular instant and decaff instant 1/2 and 1/2 to go lower. Instant is low enough for me though. Alankay

08-15-2013, 04:01 PM
I was so used to drinking caffeine that I would get withdrawal headaches when I stopped. This last time I pushed through with cold turkey'ing it because it was having such an affect on me because of the anxiety, and I'm glad I did...I'm so much for the better. Now I'm able to indulge in something once in a while without it making me feel like I'm freaking out, I just have to keep it at a minimum. Maybe you can cut it out little by little? Don't tell yourself you absolutely can't have it and you avoid setting yourself up for "failure"...just slowly start to limit how much you are having throughout the day and continue to decrease the amount every week (or whatever time period you want) and eventually getting rid of it all together won't feel like such a chore...or you will find that keeping it to a minimum is fine and you don't even have to get rid of it entirely. Now that I'm used to not having caffeine, I don't even think about the fact that I am not having it. I did have a blended coffee today at lunch, but it's my birthday!

08-16-2013, 09:15 AM
Trinidiva- you can get Starbucks Carmel Frappucino decaf, I get them all the time. They taste just as yummy.
I slipped up the other day and got a Frozen Carmel from Panera Bread after not having caffeine for 2 weeks, well it started my heart fluttering and hasn't stopped yet....2 days later..UGH. Caffeine is definitely not good for anxiety sufferers, but it's so good :)

08-16-2013, 09:20 AM
You're addicted to caffeine, taper yourself.

08-28-2013, 11:59 AM
Sorry for replying so late - and thank you all for your replies!! - I had some MUCH needed time off work. Yes, I do get headaches for a few days when I quit, but I feel like most of it is wanting something warm and soothing in the morning. Hot chocolate upsets my stomach. :( But I need to try decaf for sure. Believe it or not, I only drink about 1/2 cup per day of coffee, because the caffeine starts working immediately. I'm just sensitive to it, I guess. Why does it have to be so goooood? :)