View Full Version : left arm pain and back pain

08-14-2013, 01:57 PM
I have had this before and i try to exercise wen i can i weight 107 and the doc has told me is really hard for me to get a heart attack. Besides im 22 but still. I have heard age dont matter. Sometimes i think my heart is just going to stop. It freaks me out when i get these pains. Left arm pain and back pain. Sometimes i start hyperventling. I think thats how you spell it Lol.

08-14-2013, 08:41 PM

08-14-2013, 08:54 PM
Yea hun i been getting left arm pain for a while it feels like its sore like you just finish workin out!! Its all anxiety you have nothing to worry about you will be fine!! Im beating this on my own now and let me tell u its hard i still get sysptoms but i know its the anxiety doing so im fighting i still didnt win the battle but i will soon!! Sooo dont worry your fine when u get a sysptom just laugh and say its anxiety and it will go away