View Full Version : I feel so bad

10-26-2007, 12:28 PM
I am new to the site and was wondering if I could get some help.

I have always had anxiety but never as bad as the last 2 months.

It is a very long story as to what brought it on so I will try to make it very brief.

2 months ago, my wife and I discovered we had mice in our house. I called an exterminator and he told us that our infestation was very minor and we had nothing to concern ourselves about.

Truth is, since finding out we had mice, I have been a wreck. I am not afraid of the mice. My feeling have more to do with the fact that they are (or were) in my house in the first place.

The exterminator was at our house 5 weeks ago. My wife and I were told that an infestation usually takes 3 weeks to get rid of. After his treatment, we did not see any more mice activity and my nerves were begining to relax.

Last Saturday, I found evidence of the mice when having to do some stuff under the ceiling tile in our basement (knob to shut off water to backyard is hidden there). While looking under the tile, I found mouse droppings and large chunks missing from the poison the exterminator had put down. I cleaned out the area and was glad that it looked like the exterminator got the job done.

Long story short, there has been no activity in the area I found the droppings for the week since I found it. I am more then sure that the mice are gone but cannot help but be on constant alert. I don't like leaving the house empty, I have trouble eating, my health is getting bad all because of the fact that I can't cope with the fact that they were there. My home is no longer feeling like my sanctuary. It feels like a prison.

Please help me.

I really hate feeling this way. I don't enjoy things I love like playing hockey because all I think about are the stupid mice.

What can I do to turn the bad thoughts off and get to being the happy go lucky person I was before.

Thank you

10-26-2007, 03:22 PM
Hello Mark

Sorry to hear of your problem with the mice. We had them at one time, the house was very old. Even a new house can get them, usually field mice. You have done what you can to clear them, so try not to worry about it. At the time we had them I did not suffer from my anxiety disorder, so I do understand it will affect you more so, try to take your mind off it by thinking or doing something else. They are only like finding a spider, beetle or some insect, only much bigger.

Hope this helps to calm you a little.

10-26-2007, 03:56 PM

Thank you for responding.

I am trying to forget about it but just cannot.

This is fresh to me and I am hoping that time will do it's magic and relieve some of my anxiety. If not, I have already done research as to good therapists in my area that deal with anxiety.

I feel encouraged that someone is out there that would give me their support. Thank you again. It is more appreciated then you can guess.


10-27-2007, 12:10 AM
You could get a cat. :mrgreen: