View Full Version : Chest

08-14-2013, 05:39 AM
For the last 3/4 month I've suffered chest pains. It was at the left side under breast at first on and off all day but gradually it's moved to the centre left side AND right side so I feel random pains in diff parts of my chest on and off all day. had 2 ECG had my thyroid checked and a chest x ray and for anaemia but all ok. What can this be? It does go away for a few days to a week at a time and I feel great but then it always comes back for a while!! :( What is it? and does anyone get this?!

08-14-2013, 05:40 AM
also get numb And tingly arms now and then (both arms) but diff times which come and go. I'm just sick :(

08-14-2013, 05:43 AM
Sick of waking up in morning and feeling that familiar pain and known my days gonna be rubbish! I need to make my self realise its anxiety if it is.. I have a few things what make me think it may be.. because one day I was feeling ok no chest pain but that night wen I heard some news I got all harder to breathe and my chest started hurting.. yesterday I did have the chest pains but not too bad and I got myself worked up cos I had to go somewhere and then the centre of my chest started to Hurt all night :( .. I do feel anxious to go places like I'm due to go to a party on the weekend but I'm feeling scared and not wanting to go!!