View Full Version : New to this site

08-14-2013, 12:08 AM
Hi everyone
I'm new on the forums, I usually just google and read. But I've decided to get the answers I'm after I have to ask the questions.

I'm a 28 female with 3 kids aged 6,5 and 3.

I've had "issues" since the birth of my first child but find do anything about it until afte my 3rd was 7months old.
I had a bad habit of freaking out when the baby would cry an convince myself it was one thing then convince myself why it wasn't then go back to why it was, basically my hea would spin. I was depressed also. The dr put me on zoloft and as far as I can remember I did great. Good enough that I took myself off it.

A year after that it went down hill, I started waking up in the middle of the night with the sweats nausea vomiting and anxiety. I don't know which came first. The dr put me on endep for the anxiety and nexium for a suspected stomach ulcer.. I got better, I still had my moments but I got better. I had one major panic attack, which was the scariest thing I've ever experienced..

I stayed on endep up until earlier this year when I felt we'll enough to have another baby, that went down hill fast the anxiety was in full force , not attacks just constant anxiety. I ended up losing the baby at 11 weeks. I went back on endep which seemed to help after a few weeks, I was doing well I tried cutting down which went well until I got my period this month, my first proper one since losing the baby. I went Ito constant anxiety with multiple attacks a day which I hid from my husband.. I didn't really understand it was anxiety because it was kinda different. Just a total freak out feeling.

Fast forward to now and the dr has changed me to zoloft I started on 25mgs for 2 days then 50mg for 3 days and now 100mg yesterday ... The anxiety attacks still come but not as severe.

I'm waking up with nausea and stomach burning like hunger but I can't eat , I'm breathless so yawn a lot even when not tired , so today the dr gave me nexium again to see if it settles the morning nausea thinking it could be an ulcer again.

Sorry for the long ramble just thought I'd get my history out there

I have a few questions though that no one I know can answer cos they don't deal with anxiety.

After an attack I feel like I over analyze what normal should feel like ? Because when I'm having an attack everything looks weird, is this normal?
I feel like I'm on constant fear an attack is coming as soon as I feel a little funny?
How good is zoloft for anxiety? I'm a lot worse then I was last time I was on it
Has anyone had a stomach ulcer contribute to anxiety?

Thank you so much for your time and replies in advance

08-14-2013, 12:48 AM
Hey :)

Yes, a lot of people overanalyze the feeling of "normal" after an attack. I used to think about things like "is this ever going to go away" or "am I ever going to feel normal and not think about panic attacks". I had a small panic attack while camping and it made me think how it is for people who don't have to deal with this at all. So yes, its normal to overanalyze like that after an attack. I haven't had a problem with panic attacks in months, though. A few short ones but I've been getting better.

Anxiety makes your thoughts race and focus on problems that aren't even there. You might be feeling absolutely normal and suddenly feel like something is wrong. And when you feel a bit funny it can lead you to again overanalyze the situation. Don't let the feeling get overwhelming! Today I started feeling like I was going blind but then I just though "oh, come on..." and focused on my work and it went away. In my case, the symptoms have never been a sign of a real medical condition.

I've never been on any medication so I don't know about zoloft. I've made great progress without any medication but I'm still considering to see a psychologist because I'd like to talk to a professional. Meds can provide great help but I don't feel comfortable about taking them.

Medical problems can cause anxiety and then the anxiety feeds on itself. Its a vicious circle but I'm sure you will start feeling better :)