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08-13-2013, 10:06 PM
I think I just had my first panic attack. Or perhaps anxiety attack (Can anyone tell me the difference?). I called my mum when it happened and she recognized the symptoms (she's had them too). So, I guess I'm joining a new club!
I've had some anxiety before, mostly at night-time and mostly during the fall and winter, but never of the panic variety. I've been hoping that even though I've inherited the other stuff from my mum, I wouldn't have to deal with panic/anxiety attacks. But here I am. I'm making an appointment to see a doctor first thing in the morning, for sure. I'm not gonna wait to see if it happens again, because if it was a panic attack I want to learn how to deal with as soon as possible (if I can).

Anyway... Hello fellow anxies. And good morning (it's 5 in the morning where I am).

08-13-2013, 10:10 PM
Good morning and welcome to the club.

I'm sorry that you had to have your first encounter with a panic attack, it's definitely not something I would even wish on my worst enemy. Making an appointment to see a doctor as soon as possible was a wise decision on your part. It's better to tackle it head on rather than letting your symptoms happen. Also, figuring out what triggered the panic attack is something to work on when figuring out how to cope with it all.

I hope you have a fabulous day and got some rest, you're up awfully early and I know sometimes it's a bit hard to sleep after an attack.

08-14-2013, 02:13 AM
There are so many things that could have triggered it... But I'll try to think of which one(s?) is more likely.

Yeah, the anxiety didn't really pass either. I kept feeling like I couldn't breathe and worrying about my heartbeat.
I hadn't fallen asleep yet, so it was more like being up very late. :P I've gotten four hours of sleep now, but I plan to take a nap after my dentist appointment (I really need that bite guard...).