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08-13-2013, 06:45 PM
I have anxiety disorder but I never felt this symptom before. I felt weakness on my left legs and arms, does any of you felt the same way? I am scared its heart attack.. I am healthy and have normal weight and had annual check up last march and my EKG is normal. I just wanna know please reply guys

08-13-2013, 07:17 PM
I get these symptoms when I have anxiety too. Numbness, tingling, sometimes chest pain. I think I work myself up to believe I am having a heart attack so I give myself the physical feelings. I think if you try to rest and calm yourself down see if those sensations go away. If not set up an appointment with your doctor, everything should be fine, probably just your anxiety

08-13-2013, 07:33 PM
Thanks for your message. I have a medicine to take as needed for panic and that symptom las stopped now. I had EKG this year when I had my annual check up, my cholesterol is good, I exercise regularly and I have normal weight. I felt scared because the weakness of legs and arms is new symptom to me, usually I just have sweaty. Hands and feet and shaking hands..actually before the weakness of hands and feet, I first have very sweaty hands and feet and as soon as I think I'm having attack the weakness sensations will follow..

08-13-2013, 09:32 PM
The weakness sensation is definitely a common symptom of anxiety. I know when my stress is at an all time high I will feel like I am going to fall over when I'm walking because of the faintness and weakness. Try not to worry too much. If it keeps increasing in severity, you might want to see a doctor but-- until then just try not to jump to conclusions. Thinking the worst usually makes things worse.