View Full Version : What!?????

08-13-2013, 03:12 PM
Can or does anxiety cause a crushing tightening sensation in the center of your chest all say everyday???? I've had every cardiologist work up known to man they say I'm fine!!!! But why does this COME OUT OF THE BLUE WITH NO REASON OR RHYME??? How can I control it if I can't control when and why it happens. I am so out of control !!

08-13-2013, 03:33 PM
Can or does anxiety cause a crushing tightening sensation in the center of your chest all say everyday???? I've had every cardiologist work up known to man they say I'm fine!!!! But why does this COME OUT OF THE BLUE WITH NO REASON OR RHYME??? How can I control it if I can't control when and why it happens. I am so out of control !!

Blessed .... Calm yourself down !!!! Your getting yourself really worked up and your goin to make yourself feel bad ... It's hard but it's just anxiety ... I was out tonight and had a really bad panic attack and was so scared and couldn't breathe properly but it passed eventually and I'm ok again...
You seem in a bad way at the mo after reading your posts, did u read the one earlier that I responded to asking is there anyone at church you can talk to ?

08-13-2013, 04:41 PM
Very good post thanks for the info!

08-13-2013, 04:42 PM
Very good post thanks for the info!

Hug to u .....

08-13-2013, 04:43 PM
Blessed .... Calm yourself down !!!! Your getting yourself really worked up and your goin to make yourself feel bad ... It's hard but it's just anxiety ... I was out tonight and had a really bad panic attack and was so scared and couldn't breathe properly but it passed eventually and I'm ok again...
You seem in a bad way at the mo after reading your posts, did u read the one earlier that I responded to asking is there anyone at church you can talk to ?

Yes I'm in a bad way right now and one inch away from giving up but I CAN'T I have two beautiful kids and a wonderful husband that need me to be happy AND carefree again. Even my kids see how scared I am. And I'm real reserved at church I run out the back door to avoid shaking hands Lord forgive me.

08-13-2013, 05:08 PM
Yes I'm in a bad way right now and one inch away from giving up but I CAN'T I have two beautiful kids and a wonderful husband that need me to be happy AND carefree again. Even my kids see how scared I am. And I'm real reserved at church I run out the back door to avoid shaking hands Lord forgive me.

Really wish there was something I could do or say to help and it's hard been so far away .... U will come thru this and I'm not just saying for saying its sake .... I've been at that place where I could see no way out and didn't want to wake up each morning as I knew how my day was goin to be panic attack after panic attack , not been able to leave the house , not wanting to leave my bed ..... And one night I had this dream ( I knew where it came from ) and it showed me a way put , very calmly and clearly .. And this frightened me !! And I remember saying to God " I can't take anymore , your word says u won't give us more than we can handle , well I can't handle anymore " I will stand up the front and testify if you just help me and take this away "
Well, that was my turning point , little by little I started getting back to normal ( as norm as can be ) and it kept comimg to me that i had to give thanx but u know wen u say things bcz your so desperate , but a year later on New years eve he reminded me again ov my promise .. So I stood up in front ov a few hundred pple to give a testimony on a bit ov my childhood and panic disorder ( which only a few knew off as I never told pple as they don't understand it ) and from where I was and having to give up wrk etc to where I was at that point .....

Please hang in ..... U will be ok ...xx

08-13-2013, 05:12 PM
Yea it can happen, especially when you're all worked up and anxious. You need to understand how your nervous system works. There are nerves that are connected to every organ in your body. Some we can control at will, for example when you move your hand or legs or anything like that. The other nerves, the sympathetic nerves we cannot control at will. Those are affected mainly by our mood, for example when you are frightened or startled your mood triggers a release of adrenalin in to your body from the adrenal glands. The sensation you feel within your chest or heart or wherever you are feeling it is simply coming from the nerves attached to it. They have been put through a lot of stress and sensitization. You've apparently been worried about your heart a lot and i believe that may be why you feel so much. You have been overly focused on that part of your body with so much my fear and bewilderment that you're constantly feeling something. Take a deep and slow breath. Slow down and accept that feeling. You are not in danger. You are not dying. You are completely fine. You believe something is wrong, you really believe it. That's where the panic starts and it gets you. Let those thoughts go. Just let them go. They are only thoughts. Accept that your nerves are over sensitive. Let them rest. You will be ok. I know you will.

08-13-2013, 05:18 PM
Thank you all so much. Trying to cook supper and HR is around 115. I just don't get it but I keep repeating I am fine

08-13-2013, 05:30 PM
Thank you all so much. Trying to cook supper and HR is around 115. I just don't get it but I keep repeating I am fine

In America it seems everyone can easily check their BP and heart rate with personal machines ...... It's not like that over here .. U kan buy them I'm sure but it's not like over there ....
This does not help u .... Get rid ov them , put them in the loft , give them to someone

08-13-2013, 05:35 PM
Thank you all so much. Trying to cook supper and HR is around 115. I just don't get it but I keep repeating I am fine

Well you really are fine. No matter how much you believe or think you aren't, you are fine. Thinking that way won't change a thing. It just increases the sensations and symptoms. Just about everyone with anxiety has been this way. I think once someone realizes or learns and understands how the body works and why it does certain things the anxiety will decrease.

08-14-2013, 06:21 AM
Hi Blessed , how ru doin today ?

Hope you had a gd sleep and got some mental and physical rest ....

08-14-2013, 03:07 PM
One of the biggest no-nos for me is checking my heart rate. I'll start creeping my fingers up to my neck, and will say "NO!" and not do it anymore. It wasn't helping me at all. In fact, it was making me feel worse to check. I'm sorry you are suffering hun. I know what it's like to need to be strong for your little ones and husband, but you just feel like crumbling. Just keep thinking, your symptoms have not gotten worse, and you woke up today, so you must be ok! Hugs!!

08-14-2013, 03:18 PM
I think what is best to do next time you have a symptom. Instead of panicking and googling, or checking heart rates or posting here. Use the search function in the top right hand of this forum.

For instance a quick search for chest tightness brought up 199 threads. THis will hopfully provide some relief and show you how common it is for people with anxiety to experience this. The more stressed and wound up you are about your symptoms the longer you are making themn last.

You are the one in control here, not the anxiety. So when a symptom comes literally laugh it off. Don't wworry or panic. It's not going to kill you or give you a heart attack. it's just anxiety.

THing is you will no doubt have to hear that 101 times untiul one day it finally does click. But you need to practice not responding emotionally to these symptoms.


08-15-2013, 06:37 PM
Hi Blessed , how ru doing ?

08-16-2013, 05:49 PM
Hi Blessed , how ru doing ?

Thanks for asking. Doing some better.

08-16-2013, 06:02 PM
Thanks for asking. Doing some better.

Glad to hear.... Keep in touch