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08-13-2013, 12:32 PM
When you all started having anxiety did you start to gradually get symptoms or did it all come at once? When I first started getting anxiety it was purely panic attacks. But this past 10 months have just piled on the symptoms. Could this be because everyday for 10 months straight I was sure I had some form of cancer? Could thinking this 24/7 for almost a year really make me feel like I'm dying? The only reason why I started to think this was my chest pains and my aunt told me her good friend died of cancer he didn't know he had and it spread through his body and he found out when he was at the dentist and they told him he had brain rumors and he had cancer spread though his body and he had two weeks to live. Without even knowing. And so I swore to god I have cancer and I'm gonna die. I haven't really got any cancer screenings yet so it's still scary for me. He had bad teeth that caused abscesses. I have a tooth that causes abscesses a lot. So I'm really freaked out.

08-13-2013, 12:36 PM
I started with a couple symptoms then gradually got more .... Even 6 months after I still get new symptoms.

08-13-2013, 12:37 PM
I've had anxiety everyday for three years now. I dint have any insurance on me at all so I can't really go to doctors :/