View Full Version : tired of racing thoughts....please help

10-25-2007, 12:35 PM
hey... i just posted a bulletin last week about my anxiety returning after 4 years. And now its even worse. My mind is racing again about uncertainty. I recently remembered an event that happened about 2 weeks ago when i was on a party bus to the wineries in which i was dancing with a girl and we were rubbing all up on each other. I felt guilty and told my girlfriend. She wasnt happy about it but told me to not worry about it so much because its not like i cheated and she said that you should forget about it and we can move on. And i except that and i totally love her so much. but for some reason i just cannot get these thoughts out of my head "what if she breaks up with me?" "what if she doesnt trust me?" and so many more. but in reality i know she does trust me and wants to move on and be happy. I would never cheat on her EVER and i love her so much. But why i am having all this anxiety about still. I will put into my mind the worst case scenario and dwell on it. No matter how much reassurance i get, the thoughts just keep coming back and i dont know what to do even though deep down i know everything will be okay.

any advice will be appreciated.
