View Full Version : Felling "off balance" for 2 months, chest pains, etc. Please help.

08-12-2013, 11:26 PM
Hi everyone,

I am writing this post in search for any help I can receive from you guys. All input will be greatly appreciated.

This is my story. I am a 22 year old college student. I have been an anxious person all of my life and have suffered from allergies for years. I also have OCD (organizational) and do things like little nightly rituals, but nothing that drastically interferes with my daily activities or life. It just helps calm me down. Whenever I feel ill I start thinking the worst and research online which is the worse idea.

About 2 months ago I had a cold which turned into a horrible sinus infection. I would get these infections almost every 6 weeks for around a year probably because of stress/allergies. Following this most recent sinus infection I started feeling "off balance". Since then I have felt this swaying motion/ bouncing on the ground like on a trampoline (as if I were to fall but not really) when I am casually walking or bending down. When I lie down and play sports such as basketball I usually feel just fine. Ive been very anxious especially since feeling this way. Also a few weeks ago I started feeling like a "heart beat" in my leg, arm, back, occasionally throughout the day which will last no more than a second. It has been better, but still occur. I also get chest pain here and there for about 20-40 seconds at a time. When I wake up in the morning I usually have about a 2-3 hour window of no symptoms and then I start feeling them throughout the day especially when I think about it. I have been worried about these symptoms for a while and have had the following tests down in the past 2 months:

MRI of brain, MRI of brain and auditory canal w/contrast, sinus CT scan, balance test, hearing test, blood test, chiropractic adjustments.


All of these tests came back NORMAL ( except I have a borderline chiari malformation which I was born with having no effect on me according to the neuros). I have seen around 8 doctors between all of these tests. One of my doctors thinks the cause is primarily allergies and one thinks its labrythitis. However, my ears feel fine and the MRI would have picked up if there was fluid or damage to a nerve I believe.

It's just so hard not having concrete answers. I am a super positive person and I always look at the glass half full. It's been a tough 2 months as I just graduated with my bachelors and am going to graduate school starting next week. I wil not let this feeling stop me I just wish I was feeling "normal" again.

I have bought a book by Friedemann Shaub called The fear and Anxiety solution which was recommended to me by a great doctor of mine. I am currently reading it and hoping this will help me.

Please let me know your input and recommendations. I want to get to the bottom of this and I know I can feel better and overcome this feeling.

Thank you for all for your support and I will help anyway that I can.

08-13-2013, 03:18 AM
I deal with off balance(feeling like ground is bobbing up and down) 24/7.

08-13-2013, 03:52 AM
If you've had sinus infections, it sounds like fluid or infection in the auditory canal. Not sure an MRI would pick this up. Most problems with dizziness/vertigo/balance etc. are related to the ear. Sometimes residual infection of the auditory canal can linger long after a sinus infection has cleared up. If you keep having this problem, I'd definitely talk with your doctor. Perhaps he can prescribe some antivert to help with the dizziness. Good luck. Hope you feel better soon.

08-13-2013, 09:46 AM
I had this constatntly for 3 months after quitting drinking. That was when my anxiety was the highest. Doctors couldn't figure it out. I started medication for my anxiety about 2 months ago. The first month was kinda rough, but after that the dizziness/ off balance feeling went away. There is something called psychogenic dizziness. Ive also read that anxiety effects balance wether it be eyes, ears etc. Yes it could be something with your ears. In my case it was all anxiety. I went to an ENT and even he told me anxiety.

08-13-2013, 03:13 PM
I had this for like 2 months when my anxiety was at it's worst and I actually fell over once

08-13-2013, 05:14 PM
I get this ALL the time... Feel like I'm going to fall over at any minute. My head feels fuzzy and heavy. Hate it