View Full Version : Need guidance. What am i suffering?

08-12-2013, 09:46 PM
Hey reddit I've been suffering from anxiety for 2 years. My primary symptoms in the order of most annoying to least annoying include:

1) intrusive thoughts in social settings. -i.e when I'm in a formal meeting and when it's difficult to leave the room or in a bright room with a group of people I get anxious. - intrusive thoughts include 'what if i scream' 'what if i embarrass myself' - these symptoms don't really resurface when I can freely walk around. Only occurs in settings like church, concert where i need to sit still.

2) because of these thoughts i get tensed neck and body which lead to head twitching. -i.e when I'm at a barbershop where I need to stand still my head twitch a bit whenever the barber uses that electronic shaver (not sure what they are called).

3) Feel like my body will collapse or fall. -i.e just recently my legs feel really weak and it makes me anxious.

4) i get a headache and feel nauseated once a week and puke time to time. -i.e not sure if its migraine or anxiety that cause these symptoms.

5) frustration and anger - because of the above 4.