View Full Version : Anxiety question for everyone here!

08-12-2013, 04:57 PM
I wanna ask everyone on here...when you guys feel calm and having a good day not thinking about about anxiety or no sysptoms...then out of no where you get sysptoms? I mean i was doing fine all day and now tonight im getting pain and discomfort pain by my heart area does anyone feel like that? Please help thanks guys!!

08-12-2013, 05:58 PM
Anyone on here feels like this or im going crazy?

08-12-2013, 06:16 PM
Yes it can just start out ov the blue for no reason

08-12-2013, 06:27 PM
Anyone on here feels like this or im going crazy?

Incredibly common. Can happen especially at situations when you want them to happen the least.
Yeah, out of the blue it can strike. Often too in my case.

08-12-2013, 06:45 PM
I wanna ask everyone on here...when you guys feel calm and having a good day not thinking about about anxiety or no sysptoms...then out of no where you get sysptoms? I mean i was doing fine all day and now tonight im getting pain and discomfort pain by my heart area does anyone feel like that? Please help thanks guys!!

Yes, I can be perfectly fine then BAM symptom overload then comes the anxiety and or panic.

08-12-2013, 09:33 PM
Absolutely. That's the worst thing about anxiety. It can strike quickly, out of the blue, with little or no warning. The trick is to carry on right through it without letting your mind obsess about the worst. Just tell yourself how great it felt to be symptom-free. Focus on that...the positive stuff. And tell yourself that's where your mind and body will be again shortly. Dwelling on how crummy you feel right now or how aggravated you are that this came back will only prolong the anxiety. If it went away before, ask yourself why. Probably because your mind was occupied with more positive or constructive things. So, do your best to move back to that place. You'll have longer periods of being anxiety-free.

08-12-2013, 09:41 PM
Thank you all guys!! JLB your right im gonna get over this but now i know that these sysptoms are from anxiety and nothing harmful i mean i had everything checked out..so its gonna be tuff but im gonna beat this!!! And ill let everyone know on here how to do it!!! Will all will get thru this!!! God Bless you all !!!

08-12-2013, 09:47 PM
Now that's the spirit! You can conquer this. We all can. Gotta have faith. And good for you for recognizing it as nothing more than anxiety.

08-12-2013, 10:04 PM
Yea im realizing its all anxiety im not gonna keep going to doctors if i ha my heart checked out my blood work checked and a MRI to the brain checked out and everything came back normal and im still worried i gotta be out my mind becuz im missing out on the beautiful things in life becuz anxiety thats why we all should live life and enjoy you never know what tm brings we can get hit by a car or hit by lighting so we all gotta start thinking like this its life we go to doctors and we are fine!!! So we gotta stress it out we know we are good lets not focus on sysptoms becuz its our mind fooling us!!! Lets all stand up to this and fight!!!! Becuz we all can overcome this!!! Any of us will fight for our love ones right? Soo lets start fighting back for our lifes and being happy and not worry about the small things comee on guys will all can do this!!! Anyone that needs help in this pleaseee feel free to pm me!! Come on guys its go timee lets beat we can do it!!!! Love you and God Bless you!!! God is Big!! Keep that faith and keep praying !!!

08-12-2013, 10:33 PM
Very common.. I am the same way.. and once that pain hits u, then it becomes a major problem to ur ticker upstairs. . :) keep faith. I'm here if u need or want to talk.. always. :)

08-13-2013, 12:24 PM
Thanks lauren!!! Same here when you need someone to talk!! Im doing im beating it and today i gotta say its been 6 years of anxiety today im so positive i still having these sysptoms but im laughing at it becuz i know its all the anxiety causing it!! I wish we all can think the same and live life!! Anyways talk to you later babe stay focus and pm wheneva u want mwa!! ❤

08-13-2013, 12:37 PM
I persistently have these episodes of chest pain and its only on my good days too its anxieties way of slapping you in the face for enjoying yourself! Had a bad few days last week but staying positive and not spiraling down every time it hits is vital,hard to master.I know how it feels to have the anxiety hit afterward too,not pleasant at all.I like to thing of it as boxing rounds and keep remembering the bell will sound soon if i concentrate and watch whats happening? Hope that helps? It gives a sense of finality to my episodes of chest pain but this week its been a few too many rounds i feel like rocky : ) I remember somebody posting breathing exercise that REALLY helps me.I really feel for you its horrendous

sit as comfortably as possible and take a deep breath through the nose from the tummy and then abdomen and then chest,hold it for 4-5 seconds and then breath out slowly from chest first to abdomen to tummy and repeat a few times.It relaxes the chest muscles slowly and soothes my chest pain after bad ones.Hope it helps

08-13-2013, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the info brother but im been doing good i just laugh when i feel one coming on then im fine but i know its anxiety like before i finish eating and my heart is racing out of no where and i laugh becuz i know that im okay!! But thanks to you all who wrote on my post!! Stay positive and laugh when you feel down