View Full Version : Sinus Arrhythmia?

08-12-2013, 01:17 PM
Cardiologist diagnosed me with sinus arrhythmia and said it was nothing to be concerned about.
But then my GP said that Anxiety is whats causing it
so i'm a bit confused now.
I dont have tachycardia as my rhr is usually 64.
any idea of what it might be?

08-12-2013, 01:37 PM
Is this the same thing as sinus tachycardia? Or is it an actual type of arrhythmia?

08-12-2013, 01:44 PM
Is this the same thing as sinus tachycardia? Or is it an actual type of arrhythmia?

Sinus arrythmia is a abnormal beat, skipped beat.
Sinus Tach is a fast heart rate, over 100

08-12-2013, 10:59 PM
I do know that breathing can cause sinus arrhythmia. I googled it after one of my EKGs said i had normal sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia. It's more common in children, but can happen to anyone. And since anxiety typically leads to breathing difficulties in some, I would guess that anxiety could definitely cause sinus arrhythmia.

08-13-2013, 12:25 AM
I do know that breathing can cause sinus arrhythmia. I googled it after one of my EKGs said i had normal sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia. It's more common in children, but can happen to anyone. And since anxiety typically leads to breathing difficulties in some, I would guess that anxiety could definitely cause sinus arrhythmia.

Is it harmful ?
And not only does anxiety make it worse
But I also have a Nasal Turbinate swelling which doesn't allow too much air flow through one of my nostrils /:

08-13-2013, 08:09 AM
No it isn't harmful.

08-13-2013, 03:24 PM
No it isn't harmful.

So anxiety is the cause of sinus arrythmia ?
And what were your symptoms ?

08-13-2013, 08:02 PM
I didn't say it was the cause. I said it could be. Doctors I talked to said it was normal for a healthy person to have sinus arrhythmia on an EKG.