View Full Version : yo

10-23-2007, 08:05 PM
Hey everyone,
so i guess this is my first effort at reaching out. i've had severe anxiety for about 3 years - off and on. i'm 28. at least for me, that entails a nearly constant tension headache that sometimes seems to distort my vision, etc. feels crazy to actually type it. for 3 months, it's been really bad, like debilitating. i landed myself in the ER about 2 months ago because i couldn't swallow and had never experienced the lump in the throat. of course, they gave me a bunch of valium and sent me home.

i just started a new, great job, and am finding that despite the low stress level and nice people there, i'm no different and possibly worse than my previous (awful) job situation. so i sought out this forum. i hope maybe i can learn from the members here about how to deal with situations that used to seem so easy. maybe i can even contribute some ideas.