View Full Version : Advice anyone? :)

08-12-2013, 05:56 AM
I've been paying more attention to my symptoms recently. Instead of accepting that I'm 'down', actually looking at what happens. I've noticed I am worse in the morning. I wake up with a feeling of dread, in the pit of my stomach. Then, I begin to think though everything, all the little things that have gone wrong or I have done wrong, and I let them eat me up. And I get worked up to such a state I end up crying. By about 7pm, I'm okay. I don't know wether it's because I know I can sleep soon and for a few hours I don't have to worry.

I have a constant worry that I will ruin my relationship. I don't even know why. Just that I will say something wrong. My boyfriend reassures me I won't, he is really understanding. But I don't like worrying him with my problems to the point he can't cope. So I keep it to myself more now. I

I told my mum how I was feeling, and she said I just need to go out more and I bring it on myself. She wants to help, I just think if she accepts I have a problem she has to deal with herself as my younger sisters problems and depression.

I have recently found out my nan suffered from depression when she was younger and was on some sort of medication. My mum also suffered from post-natal (can't spell) depression after me and other siblings. As well as depression later on. Now my sister is currently getting treatment (not medication, like talking therapy) for her depression and only recently diagnosed mild Asperger's syndrome.

I'm being made out to be a typical teenager with hormones and stuff. Yeah, I am. Aren't we all. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy. When I say I'm not happy I get called ungrateful or blamed for it, so I don't tell them anymore

08-12-2013, 05:59 AM
Good morning, I recently posted about feeling anxious in the morning. The second I open my eyes it starts, I do my best to force myself out of bed and some days I even start to cry. Do you work or go to school during the week?

08-12-2013, 06:02 AM
I go to school, but it's the summer holidays right now meaning I have no motivation to get up. I start off anxious already, then I start thinking about things that don't even matter anymore and end up in tears

08-12-2013, 06:12 AM
And I feel like I can hear my heart beat, it's weird. And, you know when you think you're in trouble and you get that nervous feeling in your stomach (I can't describe it), like butterflies. From when I wake up, to the evening (6 ish) I have that

08-12-2013, 06:41 AM
Yes, I know the feeling in your stomach, I get the same thing! That is part of the anxiety. I find when I get that way I need to force myself to do something, even if you just get out and go for a walk. Try something that will distract you, sometimes I do a crossword puzzle. It took me a while to find something that works but now I have my go to distractions when I get that way. Trust me, I feel your pain. It's probably worse right now because you have nothing to do. For example, it is worse for me on the weekends because I am not forced to get up and go to work. Does that make sense?

08-12-2013, 06:46 AM
Yeah, it does. I do have distractions, but then something small will come into my head and one thing goes into another. Then I'm back at square one. I just have to force myself not to think about them, but in the end they are still there. It's worse that I'm coping on my own, and when I can't do something...like when I'm trying to force my self to do something, my family just think I'm being lazy or whatever

08-12-2013, 08:03 AM
I understand, some days are better than others. Today is a bad day for me. I am busy at work and normally that is a good distracting, but today that is not the case. I am feeling more anxious than ever and feel extremely stressed. I'm sorry your family isn't more supportive :( Have you thought about talking to someone? Maybe a therapist?

08-12-2013, 09:31 AM
I've considered, and I'm more than willing. I just don't know how I'd go about it, or even if it's possible with my family being the way they are

08-13-2013, 01:04 AM
Hey miss,

Have you gone to the doctor for a check up? That would be the first step, just to make sure that there isn't something physically wrong.

If you get the all clear then I would look at diet. Making sure you eat well and regularly.

Routine is also important. Make sure you get a lot of sleep each night (at least 8 hours).

I don't know if you exercise but that helps a lot. Start slowly with things like walking and just keep stepping it up gradually. Don't push yourself just keep the body moving. Swimming is really good too. If you can do an exercise that you enjoy then that's probably best.

Avoid medication if you can, it can be a slippery slope and can actually make things worst. Of course if your GP insists that you absolutely need it then take it - but go without if you can.

As hard as it sounds just don't let it bother you. It will pass and you will beat this thing.

08-13-2013, 01:12 PM
I'm all into the routines, they seem to help alot. I'm trying to get my mum to agree to take me to the doctors. It will take sometime though. Thank you for replying :)