View Full Version : Ugh bad night :/ help

08-12-2013, 05:36 AM
Hiii guys I was hoping you guys can help me... When my anxiety started I can remember the very first day like it was yesterday... I got dizzy, my heart was racing, I got the chills and I had diarrhea.

First of all does that sounds like anxiety??

2nd of all last night I was laying in bed my heart was going pretty good wouldn't say racing but I also had a terrible stomachache mild chills and diarrhea....... I was terrified because this is how everything started for me.... Is it anxiety? Does it happen to anyone else? Is there something else wrong with me?

08-12-2013, 06:11 AM
Please help

08-12-2013, 06:13 AM
What does your diet consist of? How often do you feel this way? How much of your day is spent thinking of anxiety?

08-12-2013, 06:16 AM
My diet yesterday was pretty bad I ate pretty unhealthy and most always I am thinking of anxiety. I have felt that way when it started and yesterday.. So only twice but ever since it started I have felt bad as in not myself

08-12-2013, 06:22 AM
Well I think there ya have it! Anxiety plays a big part on our bodies. As you probably know. And in a lot of people, bowel and intestine and stomach discomfort! My brother has the same exact symptoms as you. His were getting so bad he swore he had stomach can we or rectal cancer. Nope! He got a full check up and was just fine. He copes with taking pepto, lots of fiber, and drinks lots of water.

08-12-2013, 06:24 AM
He also has poor diet which makes the stomach problems worse. Especially if you're eating fatty foods, which causes bowels to sink and tend to be heavier. It also can cause stinging and burning when releasing your bowels. I advise eating more whole grains, more fiber and cutting out the fatty and sugary foods!!

08-12-2013, 06:26 AM
Thank you so much! I will definitely work at cutting back on it! And as for anxiety ughhhhhh!!!!! Hahaha

08-12-2013, 06:26 AM
And also, if you drink lots of coffee!! Cut down. It causes bowel obstructions as well when dealing with anxiety related stomach problems. This is because all the acid that's in coffee mixes with the acid built up in your stomach due to stress and anxiety. Which can cause diarrhea. And too much creamer.

08-12-2013, 06:29 AM
No problem!!(: lol. Anything to help relieve some anxiety and stress! I know what you're going through. And it's always really comforting to have someone to talk to who knows exactly what you're going through because they've been through the same thing, and were just fine!

08-12-2013, 06:40 AM
Exactly!! Ughhhh hahahha I'm still trying to accept that fact that mine is anxiety