View Full Version : Anxiety right now?!

08-11-2013, 10:49 PM
So I was feeling a little anxious before bed.... I finally fall asleep for maybe 10 minutes and I wake up in a sudden panic.... Mouth dry, feel like I'm choking, my throats right my heart is racing.... How do you cope with this? I understand it is a panic attack.... How can I get this under control?? Thank you so much

08-11-2013, 11:07 PM
This is one of my anxiety symptoms. I deal with it by taking sleep medication. Trazodone is what my doctor has prescribed for me and it works well. It keeps me asleep so that I don't jerk awake with a panic attack.

Other things that help are having a warm shower/bath before bed and listening to meditation recordings. Meditation works best if you practice it at times other than when you're falling asleep, so that you can then use it as a tool to get your mind off the panic attack when you need to. I have a hard time remembering to meditate when I'm feeling good, so I usually listen to the recordings when I'm anxious.

08-12-2013, 07:25 PM
Thank you for your response. I used to take warm baths but that seems to not help me anymore.... I am definitely going to look into meditation I've heard a lot of things about it. Take care! :)