View Full Version : can someone please help me answer some questions?? please.. I have gotten no response

08-11-2013, 08:35 PM
A few days ago I took a ib profuen. .. well I had compulsive thoughts that they are bad for me. So I only take Tylenol. Well I sat there in my car thinking omg what if this messes with my heart, or oh shit my throat feels tight what if it's hurting me.. so I started to feel panicky, . Fighting a panic attack for the first time,, it did not work and I went into a full panic attack.. shallow breathing racing heart, my limbs went numb and kind of felt like I had no arms.. I jumped out of my car and started walking.. well it went away.. still scared... well from that day on, the only thing that really scared the shit out of me was the breathing.. I felt like I couldn't breath... now I'm so focused on my breathing that I think I'm constantly breathing shallow.. I'm not anxious but I feel like I can't stop thinking about it.. can this really happen? Can it have scared me so bad that I constantly feel this way.. and that's all I can think about.. or is this a medical problem... idk what to think..

08-11-2013, 09:29 PM
And nothing...

08-11-2013, 09:36 PM
It's not a medical problem I think the same when I take meds such as Tylenol ect .. I used to deal with all that full panic attack were u lips go numb :/ I know it's scary but it's just over thinking that makes you have a panic .. & I still go through it but learn to manage it a little more since I have it for six years now .. Like last night I had a dream ( since I suffer from chest pressure and heart skipping ) I had a dream a lady telling me that unfortunately I'm going to die from that pressure in my chest & all day iv been depressed cause that's all that is going through my mind :/ so try to stay calm :)

08-11-2013, 09:47 PM
Thanks.. and dreams like that don't worry.. it's still ur mind over thinking it all.. just didn't know if I should be concerned