View Full Version : Too scared to fall asleep.

08-11-2013, 06:43 PM
Okay, this might be weird but its how I feel. I'm too scared to fall asleep alone when no ones home because I'm scared I'm gonna die in my sleep. I think I'm gonna die everyday. I hate feeling this way but I just can't help it. I literally exhaust my self and fall asleep without even knowing because I'm so tired. My boyfriend isn't home for 12 hours a day and I'm 600 miles away from my whole family. I have no friends in the town I'm living in and I don't have a car to get anywhere. I vent about my symptoms and I want to believe its all anxiety causing these feelings of serious illness but its so hard to think that when I literally feel like I'm dying any day now. ):

08-11-2013, 07:16 PM
HI aumumnbee,

Does your boyfriend or family know you are feeling this way?

08-11-2013, 07:23 PM
Okay, this might be weird but its how I feel. I'm too scared to fall asleep alone when no ones home because I'm scared I'm gonna die in my sleep. I think I'm gonna die everyday. I hate feeling this way but I just can't help it. I literally exhaust my self and fall asleep without even knowing because I'm so tired. My boyfriend isn't home for 12 hours a day and I'm 600 miles away from my whole family. I have no friends in the town I'm living in and I don't have a car to get anywhere. I vent about my symptoms and I want to believe its all anxiety causing these feelings of serious illness but its so hard to think that when I literally feel like I'm dying any day now. ):

I can totally relate to you.. My husband works 12 hours a day also and at the time we only have one car so it's just me and the baby home all day. My mom does live 5 minutes from me BUT she is a teacher and so I cannot have her come help me if I need it and I can't really talk to her during the day because she's in class. I have health anxiety and am also always afraid of a deathly illness.

08-11-2013, 07:57 PM
Yeah. Everyone knows I feel this way. My mom definitely isn't supportive at all. She will yell and scream at me if I'm having a panic attack which only makes it 100 x worse. She never wants to hear about how I'm feeling it makes her really pissed off. Idk why. My brother who is 23 has been dealing with my same anxieties for 7 years now and I would usually talk to him about it. My boyfriend has to work so he can't really do anything about it.

08-11-2013, 08:00 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I have a friend whose mom is the same way. Are you taking any anxiety meds? Maybe your doc can give you something to help you sleep?

08-11-2013, 08:07 PM
It's okay. And no I don't take any meds. I'm too scared to start taking pills because I'm scared of side effects and what could happen if I don't have them anymore.