View Full Version : Head symptoms

08-11-2013, 01:00 PM
Does anyone else have head symptoms constantly? Like a feeling of fullness or like you can't get enough oxygen to your head? I get pressure/numb feeling and one sided head pains too. I feel... out of it and foggy but I don't really feel anxious anymore. These are like my last remaining symptoms ever since I started to self-help my anxiety so it's annoying and scary to me, bc I've been convinced that I have a brain tumor.

08-11-2013, 01:44 PM
Symptoms and pains will linger as long as you fixate on them. Instead of fearing, fighting or getting frustrated by them. Let them come and go. They will disappear of their own accord. The more you reduce stress, worry and fear the less power anxiety has. You effectively choke off the anxiety and in time your body will heal and repair itself.

You say you don't feel anxious but you're stating the symptoms annoy and scare you. This is reacting eomtoinally to symptoms. Fearing them, convincing yoruself they're bad and harmful. When in reality your body is saying "I'm stressed and I want to recover".

So ease up on the fear and worry, let the symptoms in and do as they please. You msut carry on with your day to day. Keep busy, active. Eat healthily, exercise.

The only power anxiety has ovcer us is that which we give it. Live your life for yourself and not your fears and anxieties.

Anxiety puts us in our own little world where, slowly but surely, logic slips away and we're stuck in a vicious circle of paranoia, worries and fears leading to symptoms leading to more fears and worries and round and round it goes.

Your body can and will repair itself. Let it. The first step is acceptance it's anxiety and not responding to symptoms with fear or worry. Apathy is key.

Hope you feel better soon.


08-12-2013, 08:22 AM
Thanks for your reply! I keep telling myself it's anxiety but I don't think I will truly ever feel completely at ease until I'm sure it's not anything serious first.

It's like... I'm almost positive it's anxiety because yesterday I spent a few hours at the mall and my symptoms DISAPPEARED and they're gone when I'm completely distracted. I KNOW that I'm being irrational and bringing the symptoms upon myself. But for some reason I can't let myself accept that and I give in to my health anxiety. Every time I get a new symptom I think that I'm dying. I hate that I'm like this because I wasn't until 3 months ago and I feel like it's ruining my life. I'm working on it though.

08-12-2013, 08:29 AM
Does anyone else have head symptoms constantly? Like a feeling of fullness or like you can't get enough oxygen to your head? I get pressure/numb feeling and one sided head pains too. I feel... out of it and foggy but I don't really feel anxious anymore. These are like my last remaining symptoms ever since I started to self-help my anxiety so it's annoying and scary to me, bc I've been convinced that I have a brain tumor.

Yes, I feel like oxygen isn't getting to my head even when I'm not anxious then I instantly think there's something wrong with me which makes it worse. I try to let it just pass and not get anxious and panic now but it is hard. These are my last remaining symptoms to since doing CBT, I feel lightheaded all the time sometimes it gets really bad I think I'm going to faint, its hard to believe anxiety can do this to your body that's why I always question it and think I'm actually ill

08-12-2013, 08:34 AM
I also have a lot of head symptoms and they still freak me out; a lot of pressure and fullness, waves of dizziness or like my brain is jittering almost...lightheaded...sometimes little sharp twinges or pains in different spots in my head. I also have a very hard time describing what my head feels like sometimes, so that doesn't help because I feel like I'm stuck with it alone. I don't know why the head symptoms bother and worry me more than pretty much anything else. I've been having them for months now so it certainly seems like if it was something serious I would have had other related symptoms or had something happen to me already...at least I hope so!

08-12-2013, 08:50 AM
I am so glad I have come across this. I have felt this way for weeks now. I focus on these symptoms and they have sent me to the ER twice now. I am going to be drowning in medical bills because these physical symptoms have scared the crap out of me to no end. I hate not feeling like myself. I just feel like something worse will follow each time. I've become quite the hypochondriac! I am sitting her now and I have a headache and my head just feels groggy, full, my right ear will feel full or pop. I had them do a CT in the ER a few weeks ago and it came back fine. I just can't take this. I can't take not feeling like myself! I just want these specific symptoms to pass. I am constantly getting upset/crying over this because I just want to be normal but too be honest...I don't know what that is anymore.

08-12-2013, 09:00 AM
I am so glad I have come across this. I have felt this way for weeks now. I focus on these symptoms and they have sent me to the ER twice now. I am going to be drowning in medical bills because these physical symptoms have scared the crap out of me to no end. I hate not feeling like myself. I just feel like something worse will follow each time. I've become quite the hypochondriac! I am sitting her now and I have a headache and my head just feels groggy, full, my right ear will feel full or pop. I had them do a CT in the ER a few weeks ago and it came back fine. I just can't take this. I can't take not feeling like myself! I just want these specific symptoms to pass. I am constantly getting upset/crying over this because I just want to be normal but too be honest...I don't know what that is anymore.

I can totally relate to everything you just said. I was having so much pressure in my head (it just felt full and heavy and, like you said, like one or both ears needed to pop) that I finally took myself to the ER and was assured that it was a tension headache. It's gotten somewhat better since, but I still have a lot of head symptoms in general and they are by far what scares me most. I haven't had a CT scan or anything done, but I've seen the ER doctor and my primary doctor who have both told me tension is the culprit...I've also had an Audiology test, blood work, EKG...nothing wrong so far. Very frustrating...just feeling totally normal for ONE day would be amazing...whatever normal is!

08-12-2013, 10:36 AM
I agree - to return to normalcy would be a blessing! I could deal with the fact that I am a little stressed/depressed but please make the physical symptoms stop for good. That just adds on and I can't take it anymore!

08-12-2013, 12:26 PM
I get these "head rushes" all the time. I feel a ton of pressure in my head like it's going to blow off. I try to focus on something else and then of course the pains tend to go away. But if I dwell too much on the pain, then it really escalates out of control. I hate it! :( Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels like this!

08-12-2013, 12:26 PM
The body wouldn't be giving out symptoms if the stress was slight or little. It's because it's built up over months or years that it reacts this way. In reducing stress you help it along but until you fully accept anxiety as the sole cause of these pains and remove the fear entirely around the pains and aches the anxiety and symptom cycle will continue.


08-12-2013, 02:18 PM
I am so glad I came across this forum/site today! I am a newbie to this site and a newbie to anxiety. I am a high-strung person in that I am excited very easily BUT I also dwell on things. I had a few life changing things happen this year but nothing DRASTIC. Often times I am not thinking about anything and then I start to feel "weird" and then I pay more attention to that. It's just nice to know that I am not alone although I wouldn't wish this upon anyone else. I found a link (i can't post it because I've only posted on here twice) but just google "7 Things Anxiety Sufferers Would Like their Family and Friends to Know"

I have been having a difficult time with my boyfriend understanding and I gave him this. I can't say it helped BUT it was nice to know that each one of these was accurate to me and that fact that I couldn't explain it bothered me and this helped get my feelings across.

08-12-2013, 03:02 PM
I definitely had these problems when I was taking medication, or drinking too much alcohol to deal with my anxiety.