View Full Version : Can u please list symptoms of ibs??

08-11-2013, 12:13 PM
I have almost everyday Lower back pain.. it's driving me batty.. also lower abdominal pain.. not sharp but a dull ache.. ugh

08-11-2013, 12:15 PM
Don't convince yourself it's anything other than anxiety. For 3 months i had stomach aches. It never once gave up. Dr's said IBS. had 5 different medications. Nothing worked. I finally said to myself "No it's not IBS it's anxiety" i fully accepted it and just went about my business not allowing the pains to make me worry.

Guess what? 48 houors later they disappeared. Mind over matter seems lie a cheesie quote but it's so very true. The less time you invest worrying in the symptoms the less of an effect they'll have on you.

Try some peppermint tea, watch your diet and above all relax. These symptoms can't hurt you; well they can make you ache, but it's nothing more than anxiety.


08-11-2013, 12:26 PM
Well my back pain is most definitely there.. it could be from numerous things.. ibs to me, sounds more of a physiological disease..

08-11-2013, 12:50 PM
I think lower back pain may be a symptom but the main ones are a gurgling churning stomach, bloating, constipation, ab pain, gas. Sometimes I can get it so bad I have to sleep on my stomach or my sides. Lately I've taken a probiotic which has helped but for the most nothing stops those crazy flare ups.

I think my underlying anxiety caused the IBS not the other around although they say IBS brings anxiety issues. I was severely anxious three nights ago, woke up in panic mode three times but on the fourth night came the stomach issues.

Do you have anybody these issues too?

08-11-2013, 01:34 PM
BUt back pain in itself is a common symptom of anxiety. Excess adrenaline, fight or flight response going nuts. Muscle wind up incredibly tensed up, fatigued and you wind up with virtually any ache or pain going.


08-11-2013, 01:44 PM
Either way, I have excessive gas burping and in stomach, I also get anxiety from the feelings.. churning stomach, bubbles in stomach.. sometimes sharp pains in my back (lower lumbar area) both sides.. and lower abdomen. Chest pressure, and bubbly effect going up my chest and into my throat.. I will have to make myself burp.. pressure is horrible..
My dad had diverticulitis this could be a option. .. I also took ib profuen for many years for a bad tooth .. 20 a day for several weeks at a time, without eating anything with meds because my tooth ache was so bad. . Could of caused ulcers, or gastritis too..
Idk what can be causing all these symptoms.. but it can be dibiliating

08-11-2013, 01:49 PM
You're describing symptoms of anxiety. Hyperventilation is another common trait. Do you find yourself yawning a lot? It's a sign of hyperventialtion. People picture it as being something over the top like a panic attack, gasping for breath. In fact most people's incorrect breathing habits are a lot more subtle.

Excess gas can often be from swallowing too much air etc. For relief from gas here's the best method. Get on your bed on your knees and elbows. Lift your bum up in the air and focus on deep brerathing from your stomach. On every exhale fully relax your body. This posture really does help you...well fart. It sometimes takes a while for it to get going but it really does help.

Your fishing around for every other cause except anxiety Accepting it is anxiety is the first step (and the hardest) to begin to get better.

Here's the thing, if you had an ulcer you'd be showing a lot more symptoms and it wouldn't be around years later after taking these ibuprofens. This is the state of mind anxiety puts us in, sheer paranoia and little rational thinking. An ulcer would have very noticeable symptoms - blood or tar black stools and severe pains from eating anything even remotely acidic.

No, from what you've described are symptoms I myself have experienced over my 2.5 years of anxiety. Here's the thing, if you keep convincing yourself you have a condition or illness you're continuing the vicious cycle of fear and worry. This is what anxiety feeds off of and until you can fully accept that it's anxiety this cycle will continue.


08-11-2013, 02:00 PM
Thanks.. :) actually gastric problems don't really scare me.... but it did only start when the anxiety did.. so I guess I'm tuned in too much to my body. ..

08-11-2013, 02:05 PM
We become very hyper sensitive to any ache and pain going. Just repeat to yourself when a pain comes "I'm not in any danger, it's my body reacting to stress to let me now i'm stressed. I won't die, i'm not in any danger". It takes practice, but in time you start to barely react to any pain and it then becomes instinctual to simply let whatever symptoms you're experiencing come and go as they please.


08-11-2013, 02:48 PM
We become very hyper sensitive to any ache and pain going. Just repeat to yourself when a pain comes "I'm not in any danger, it's my body reacting to stress to let me now i'm stressed. I won't die, i'm not in any danger". It takes practice, but in time you start to barely react to any pain and it then becomes instinctual to simply let whatever symptoms you're experiencing come and go as they please.


But what if we really do experience stomach problems? What I find odd is that I never worried about it until my anxiety attack a week ago. Now I think I have everything from IBS to colon cancer.

But just for piece of mind and to save on the hospital bill, if someone has colon cancer I would be in serious pain right? I would experience something much worse than just a churning stomach and some bloating?
I am assuming I wouldn't have long moments or relative peace. The anxiety is caused by thinking I have it.

08-11-2013, 02:59 PM
Anxiety causes stomach problems. Stomach pains are very common as well as gas too. People often instantly assume the worst when there is no proof to go on. If you assume it's cancer you will start mimicking symptoms of your fears.


08-11-2013, 03:13 PM
Anxiety causes stomach problems. Stomach pains are very common as well as gas too. People often instantly assume the worst when there is no proof to go on. If you assume it's cancer you will start mimicking symptoms of your fears.


Ed are you an expert cus you are really good at nailing this stuff down. Yes I do feel like I have the symptoms but they do away when I calm down. I kept thinking that it was just me shutting out the truth like a mind over matter thing like thinking positively to ignore a broken leg or something. I never thought of it as me creating the symptoms.

So anxiety does cause stomach problems? Even pretty bad ones like stomach churning, gas, bloating and constipation? These subside when I calm down and drink my chamomile and I start to think that if I had some serious physical ailment, I would need something stronger than chamomile.

And the funniest thing is that when I'm working, writing or into something that takes my whole attention away I feel fine! It's weird. A serious physical ailment wouldn't go away just from preoccupying my mind.

Or an I just telling myself this to make me feel better?

08-13-2013, 07:18 AM
I think lower back pain may be a symptom but the main ones are a gurgling churning stomach, bloating, constipation, ab pain, gas. Sometimes I can get it so bad I have to sleep on my stomach or my sides. Lately I've taken a probiotic which has helped but for the most nothing stops those crazy flare ups.

I think my underlying anxiety caused the IBS not the other around although they say IBS brings anxiety issues. I was severely anxious three nights ago, woke up in panic mode three times but on the fourth night came the stomach issues.

Do you have anybody these issues too?

All day.... Every day

08-13-2013, 09:21 AM
All day.... Every day

Really? So this is generally normal for ppl with IBS? Lately I've been under this really anxious spell that I have colon cancer or something.

I wish I knew the difference in symptoms.