View Full Version : does high heart rate mean we have a bad life expectancy

mr panic man
10-23-2007, 08:03 AM
helo sorry if this worries ne out there jus i need a answer as i have jus found this on a website

Fitness Level
The fitter you are the less often your heart contracts thus saving heartbeats. Getting fitter is like putting money into your saving account, it’s putting heartbeats into your physiological saving account. Through the phenomenon of the training effect, ambient and resting heart rates drop, by as much as 20-30 bpm. When extended over a lifetime, this can equate to hundreds of millions of heartbeats

does this mean cuz we have a rasied heart beat we dont live as long

sorry if this seems niave

10-23-2007, 06:26 PM
From what I've read there, I don't think there is any direct correlation between anxiety disorders and reduced life expectancy due to the increased heart rate. If anything because it's the fight/flight/fright response causing the increase, rather than general lack of fitness, I've read it described as 'no more dangerous than a good work-out' so I wouldn't stress on that score. At any rate, it's irrelevant to your situation at the moment.. Don't give yourself extra things to worry about!!

10-27-2007, 07:35 AM
I just got through a minor anxiety attack this morning and I always think of it as a good work out in the end! Boy, doesn't it feel like it! Knowing I can get to this forum and relate to people makes it all the more easier to deal with. Hope you all have a good day. :)