View Full Version : Totally fed up with my leg now :(

08-11-2013, 10:11 AM
So it just keeps getting worse. For those of you that didn't read my other post, it's been going on for ten months now and has gradually just gotten worse, more so in the last month. It's getting to the stage now where I can't sit comfortably at all as literally seconds after I sit down I get a burning ache behind my knee that sometimes travels to my lower back thigh and my upper calf. Sometimes I even feel it in my heel but not so often.

I've been taking several vitamins (including vitamin D and magnesium as separate supplements) for a couple of days now and haven't noticed any improvement in my pain. My anxiety feels slightly reduced but that burning ache is starting to really get to me.

I remember once reading an article about a woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer after her only symptom being pain down the leg on that side, and now thats all that I can think about. Supposedly it was because there was a tumour pressing on her sciatic nerve on that side.

I was originally scared of a DVT but the doc said it's been going on too long to be that and says I don't have any of the classic signs.

I had quite a nasty fall in June of last year where I fainted and fell face first into the concrete, breaking and dislocation my shoulder. I'm trying to reassure myself that this is the cause and that I may have ruptured/herniated a disc which would cause this pain. I don't have any obvious back pain, it's literally just the leg and my hip at times that bother me.

Could me falling forward have caused a herniated disc? I was out cold so fell with 100% of my weight.

Any ideas? Or has anybody else had anything similar?

It doesn't hurt at all to walk on it, it's literally just when I'm either sitting or laying on my side and comes on within minutes. It feels worse when my knee is bent and is a sort of deep, burning sensation. I also get quite a few muscle twitches in my thigh on that same leg if I've been sat down a while.

I'm being referred

Does this sound familiar or does anyone have any insight or guesses into what this might be?