View Full Version : Anxiety is stopping me from living my life

08-11-2013, 04:21 AM
Ive had anxiety issues for as long as i can remember. When i was younger i could never have sleepovers at friends houses due to feeling so nervous and sick.
I've grown out of that now, however I can't bring myself to go on holiday with friends or away from home for a long period of time without a wave of utter panic coming over me, at just the thought of it.
Recently My boyfriend invited me home to his parents house (who I haven't met) for a week. They live nearly 5 hours away. Safe to say I panicked that I wouldn't be able to escape to go home easily and worked myself up so much that I had to tell him I wasn't going with him. He was as understanding as he could be I guess, but very disappointed. Part of me was happy that I didn't go, and part of me was sad as my bf wasnt able to show me around where he grew up. This has been a turning point for me and I've realised that I need to get help.
I'm going camping with him and his parents this week for a couple of nights and I'm already starting to panic slightly.
To me, my thoughts are irrational and strange. I'm sure that nothing is going to happen but I can't get rid of the negative thoughts. My main issue is with eating. Once I start feeling anxious I struggle to eat without feeling nauseous, which makes me panic more as I worry that ill look weird in front of his parents for not eating!
I'm determined to go camping but I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced the same eating issues or if anyone has any advice on how I can try to overcome it?

08-11-2013, 04:27 AM
I am exactly like this ! Except I am a male and 17
I'm going camping too soon and I'm getting worried about that badly, and i find it hard to relax especially In bed at night - I have done it before though I went on a school trip away for a week
I can't give you any help because I'm new to this all, I never felt anxiety until a month ago when I stupidly started getting wound up about not being able to get to sleep and now me worrying about camping is effecting it again!
I get bad heart rate and negative thoughts

08-11-2013, 04:43 AM
If you are having trouble sleeping I've found that kalms tablets can help. They tend to make me a bit sleepy and they are also meant to help at calming your nerves as well. I find that if my anxiety is low level it is easier to cope with most of the symptoms apart from the nausea. I'm fine for most of the day until it comes to meal times when I feel nauseous and can't eat very much.

08-11-2013, 04:48 AM
It's mainly my anxiety that keeps me up,
The fast heart rate just gives me so much adrenalin I stay up for ages and I'm trying to hard to fight it
I'm currently trying 5htp it seems to be effective but last night I had a bad night sleep - I fell to sleep within 10 minutes and woke up a couple of hours late and couldn't sleep
But I know it's all down to anxiety - any tips for basic relief without medicines?

08-11-2013, 06:17 AM
But it's more comforting that I hear someone has the same struggle as me, I thought I was the only one

08-11-2013, 07:06 AM
It is comforting to know you are not alone and that others suffer the same. Would be nice if I physically knew someone near me though. lol I always pictured myself one of those people who had there therapist or whatever on speed dial. :p anyone else feel that way?

08-12-2013, 12:36 PM
So it's the night before I'm due to go camping with my bf and I'm starting to feel rubbish :/ I'm starting to get hot flushes and uncontrollable shaking along with not really wanting to eat anything.

I'm determined to go, I just don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of my bfs parents.

Has anyone got any tips on how to deal with this? X

08-12-2013, 01:25 PM
Anyone got any tips?

08-12-2013, 01:31 PM
Hi again, yep again were in the same boat except I have to wait longer
I think you should just tell his parents and take your phone, whenever you feel sick just go on it and distract your mind as much as you can that's what I do - might not be the best advice or if you're feeling sick just don't eat or eat little. Sometimes just keep talking about random things so your mind drifts away from the thought

I would have never of thought I would have gone to a school trip for a week away with mates but the idea of a festival is completely different for me :/

08-12-2013, 03:18 PM
I find that its pretty difficult to tell people you've never met before without them thinking its a bit strange? I don't know. I just feel that unless someone has been through it themselves, they won't fully understand. My main issue is the eating, but I'm going to try your suggestions :)

You will be fine on your trip too. Try looking into some relaxation techniques, they seem to calm me down a little bit. I've also read that when u start feeling the slightest bit of anxiety you can shout 'STOP' in your head and imagine a big read stop sign. Like u said distraction techniques tend to work ok too

08-12-2013, 05:54 PM
I have the same problem!!! I throw up all my food when I get anxious! I feel that way now for no reason:/ this past weekend I was invited to go camping and I was so petrified but I didn't know what to tell people! I admitted to the guy I'm talking to my problem and it made me feel a little better! I went camping it was 3 hours away and even went hiking and jumped off a cliff!!' I was able to overcome it and the funny thing is I actually got anxiety going home because I didn't want to leave the beautiful place I was!!!!

08-13-2013, 01:52 AM
I am exactly like you so I don't think it's strange, eating is really hard for me as well even now it is, I just really wish I didn't have this!

08-13-2013, 04:01 AM
I was I didn't have it to! The strangest things make me feel anxious. Made an appointment at the drs for this afternoon, so ill see what they say

08-13-2013, 09:26 AM
Ok ok, can you let me know what the doctor says as i say I'm very much like you in terms of the sickness away from home, hard time eating

08-13-2013, 10:01 AM
Good luck Natalie! I would very much like to know what happened as well, If that's not too personal of me to ask.

08-13-2013, 10:02 AM
I hope you don't mind me saying but you are a beautiful girl! :)

08-13-2013, 11:40 AM
I can totally relate dude... don't be discouraged though.

I have had social anxiety since freshman year of high school and it made my high school experience horrible. I luckily started getting cognitive behavioral therapy soon after learning I had it, though, and that helped me out sooo much, and I can relate to others again and deal with life better now. I recommend finding the correct therapy for yourself, probably cognitive behavioral therapy, and practice practice practice! If you keep it up it HAS to work :)

08-14-2013, 05:24 AM
I am feeling better today:) some days I'm up some days I'm down I just look to the future

08-16-2013, 04:07 PM
For everyone who asked, I went to the drs and I hate to say it but she wasnt overly helpful. I dont want to discourage anyone though, it May be just her way but I found her a bit difficult to talk to. But still, she put me on to a therapy provider and also gave me some diazepam as a last resort.

I went camping and once I'd met his parents and got used to them my anxiety mostly disappeared and I was able to eat. I also didnt use the diazepam which is great. I'm happy that I persevered and got through it! I'm able to get some counselling through work so will be looking in to that too. Thanks for all your advice guys!!